
Special Considerations

  • Designated student captains for each team are responsible for the knowledge of the policies and procedures of the Campus Rec Department.
  • All entry forms are due by 5:00 p.m. to the Campus Rec Department by the deadline posted for each sport/event. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • Each team is permitted to list on the team roster twice the number of players required to play the sport.
  • Entry forms are considered complete if the following information is present in full: each participant's first and last names and a phone number.
  • Incomplete forms will not be accepted by the Campus Rec Department.
  • Students, staff, and dependents are reminded that participation in all IM activities is completely voluntary and neither the College, the Campus Rec Department not its staff will assume any responsibility for injuries or personal property damages resulting from participation in IM activities.


Alcohol is prohibited in Robson Arena, Schlessman Natatorium, Reid Arena, the aux gym, and the AFP Fitness Center. Alcohol is prohibited for players, spectators, and officials at indoor or outdoor intramural activities, per the Pathfinder. Disciplinary sanctions for the violation of the alcohol policy will be appropriated by the Director of Campus Recreation, VP/Athletic Director, and/or Dean of Students.

For a complete Colorado College Alcohol Policy, consult the most recent version of the Pathfinder


All enrolled students with full-time status, MAT students, and employees of the College are eligible for participation in Intramural activities and events. Significant others and dependents are also eligible to participate. Alumni are not eligible to play unless they are enrolled as a full-time student or are an employee of the College.

Transgender Policy for Eligibility/Participation in Intramural Sports Activities

All students, faculty, and staff are permitted to participate in the Colorado College's intramural sports program in a manner consistent with their gender identity. While many sport programs are offered in gender-based divisions, CC seeks to provide opportunities for all individuals to participate in its intramural activities inclusive to gender identity.

When there are gender specific rules or player ratio requirements in the co-ed leagues, the participant's gender identity will be applied. If an individual or team is insure which division would be most appropriate in which to participate, please contact the Director of Campus Recreation. Questions or concerns that arise in regards to gender identity within the intramural program may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The following items are specific regulations concerning eligibility of participants in IM competition:

  1. Intercollegiate athletes may not compete in the same sport(s) or any related sport(s) during the academic year in which they participated as a varsity athlete. A student shall be deemed a member of an intercollegiate team if they participate as a squad member after the 1st game or dress for the 1st contest. The includes red-shirt athletes.
  2. Players may participate on only 1 team per sport per season.
  3. Only players submitted on the official team roster are eligible to participate in the IM games.
  4. A player may not switch to another team after having played as a member of an original team.

Failure to observe these guidelines will result in the disqualification of the ineligible player from further competition in the sport in which they are found ineligible. Any team which plays with an ineligible player will forfeit all games in which the ineligible person played.


Forfeits are the most damaging occurrence in your intramural program. Enthusiasm and participation quickly diminish after appearing for a contest only to have the opponents fail to show. Your entry form is a contract with the IM Department and other students to the effect that if you say you will play, you will be there for your games.


Forfeits will be assessed under the following conditions:

  • If a team or individual fails to report to the scheduled place within 10 minutes after the scheduled time for a contest. To obtain a contest victory by forfeit, the full lineup must be present and ready to play. If both teams and/or individuals fail to appear, both will be charged with a forfeit.
  • For team sports, the team must have at least a minimum of one less than the official number of players ready to play at the scheduled time. Any less in attendance and a forfeit will be assessed.
  • If a team is found to be using an ineligible player.
  • Not observing the co-ed rule in those league in which it is mandated: at least two members of any under-represented gender must be on the field of play at all times. A team may start and play with one member of an under-represented gender but must play a person-down until the second person of any under-represented gender arrives at the game.

Inclement Weather

In the case of inclement weather, a final decision will be made by 3:00 p.m. by the IM Office. After such time, the captains of the respective teams will be contacted by phone, text, and/or email. Teams should be ready to play unless contacted by the IM department. Postponed games will be replayed if time and facilities are available. In the event that a postponed game cannot be replayed, it will be recorded as a no game and will not count toward the team's overall record.


Students, faculty, and staff are reminded that their participation in the IM activities is completely voluntary and neither the College, the Athletics Department nor its staff will assume any responsibility for injuries or personal property damages resulting from participation in IM activities. For students who carry the College-sponsored insurance policy, insurance claims for IM injuries will be handled at the Student Health Center.


Scheduling for league play is generally organized in accordance with a round robin format scheduling each team to play in an equal number of competitions. Final season rankings will be determined by 1) winning percentage, 2) head to head play, and/or 3) a game of chance. At the end of league play, the top teams will advance to a single elimination tournament to determine the overall league champion. The format for this final tournament is generally power seating as opposed to a balanced seating schedule. All members of the winning team will receive IM Champion t-shirts.

Scheduling for tournament play is generally organized in accordance with a traditional double-elimination format.

Teams/individuals may request that a contest be rescheduled. Responsibilities of the team/individual requesting the reschedule include contacting both the Campus Rec Department at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of competition, and the opponent of the contest to request and obtain consent for postponement. If these guidelines are not met, the game's originally scheduled time will remain in effect. In the event of a postponement by the Campus Rec Department, every effort will be made to reschedule the contest.

The Campus Rec Department will make the final decisions regarding postponements with regards to inclement weather, conflicts with staffing and facilities, or college activities. Postponed games will be replayed if there is time and facilities are available. In the event that a postponed game can not be replayed, it will be recorded as a no game.


Good sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every intramural activity. Unsportsmanship behavior is not only a poor reflection on the individual but it also detracts from the enjoyment of the activity for the other participants. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated by the Campus Rec Department. Penalties for unsportsmanlike behavior will include, but are not limited to, warnings, probation, suspension or expulsion. Teams and individuals who cannot participate without creating problems on the field, ice or court will be removed from the program. During contests, the officials are the representatives of the Campus Rec Department. Decisions made by the these individuals must be followed to insure proper order and sportsmanlike play during all activities.

The penalty process for unsportsmanlike behavior will include: a warning immediately following the behavior with suspension from the remainder of the game if the offense, or like behavior, is committed within the same game/event. Any student ejected from a game will be required serve an automatic and mandatory TWO game suspension. A second warning anytime during the rest of that sport season will result in suspension of play from that entire sport season.

Individual(s) will be immediately ejected from a game/event for any flagrant foul or intentional behavior that places participants at risk. Additional disciplinary action will be taken after consultation with the officials and supervisors of that game/event.

Report an issue - Last updated: 05/26/2022


Director of Recreation & Fitness Center

Campus Rec Athletic Trainer

Assistant Director - Fitness Center