Strategic Goals

At the conclusion of our Semester of Listening, our steering committee synthesized the input we received from 500 stakeholders into six high-level themes. We framed these themes not only as goals, but as questions that would serve to inspire and direct the work of the CCE moving forward. The questions, below, organized staff brainstorming sessions during our Summer of Planning in which we generated answers to these questions based on best practices and models in the field -- answers which ultimately formed our initiatives and strategies for the future.


(1) Mobilize Engaged Citizenship:

How might we mobilize our campus community to embrace individual and institutional citizenship in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region?


(2) Integration with Learning and Research

How might we build the capacity of our faculty and students to meaningfully integrate community-based work into teaching, learning, and scholarship?


(3) Prepare for Intentional Engagement

How might we better prepare our campus community to engage in intentional ways that attend to individual and institutional positionality, and promote equity, inclusion and empowerment?

(4) Facilitate Collaboration

How might we facilitate intracampus collaboration toward more strategic, impactful, community-engaged goals?

(5) Resources for Community Partnerships

How might we centralize, institutionalize, and communicate resources to stakeholders both on and off campus in order to affirm and deepen partnerships?


(6) Learn From and With Community

How might we integrate communities beyond the campus into the life of the college in an effort to learn together and from one another?


As you peruse the goals, strategies, and initiatives of these goals, we invite you to share any ideas with us by emailing


Report an issue - Last updated: 10/22/2024