Check-in Process
Welcome Tigers
We are excited to guide you through the check-in Process on your day of arrival, whether you are a new or returning student.
New Students Move-in instructions
Step 1: Check-in Station
Upon arriving on campus, you will first visit the Tava Quad Orientation Check-In Tent. Students will pick up their CC ID/Gold Card, NSO information, and immunization records at check-in, which starts at 7:45 AM. Step 2 will begin once you have your name badge!
Please visit the NSO website for further details.
Step 2: Head to your area's unloading zone
After completing your check-in process, you will exit the Worner Center and proceed to your area's designated unloading zone. A Campus Map can be found here.
All of the Big 3 Halls have:
All Gender restrooms of the first floor
Elevator: 24-hour card access to all floors
All have water fountains on each floor
Both Loomis, South and Mathias have accessible entrances look at accessibility guide map.
Step 3: Move your Vehicle
To provide more room for other other residents to unload, please move your vehicles away from the unloading zones when you've finished unloading items. Please be mindful to follow any instructions on campus and use our campus map.
Step 4: Finish Unpacking
Once the vehicle is moved, you should settle in and complete unpacking! Make it comfortable and personal because this will be your home from home as you begin your college journey!
Check the NSO Schedule while you finish up your setup, since this will be your next step!
Move-in Guests
Please only bring the individuals necessary to support your move-in. Our campus is face-covering friendly.
Please only have guests enter your assigned building, room, and dining facilities while accompanied by you (the resident assigned to the space)
Returning Students Move-in Procedure
Returning students will be able to move in starting on Friday, August 23rd, 2024 at 8:00 AM through the weekend. You will need to bring your CCID to move through the check-in process.
You are able to check-in at one of the Big Three front desk:
Mathias: East Campus
Loomis: Old Town, Western Ridge, and Language Houses
After completing your check-in process, you are able to start moving in!