Questions & Contacts

Have Questions? We have the answers. Or can at least get you to the offices that do!

Below is a list of campus offices and what they can help you with as you get ready to come to campus and even once you have arrived. Please note that due to COVID-19 many staff are still working remotely; therefore, email is the best way to contact staff.

We have also compiled a comprehensive list of commonly asked questions from incoming students.

Commonly Contacted Offices for New Students

Table of useful offices and resources for new students organized alphabetically
Office & Website What can we help you with? Contact Phone & Email
Accessibility Resources Disability-related accommodations and questions; request for accommodations & services.

(719) 227 8285;

Admission Gap year or semester deferral, CC log-in credentials, & Address Update Form.

(719) 389-6344;

Athletics Pre-season arrival dates for fall athletes & Athlete Health Forms. (719) 389-6475; email individual coaches
Bookstore CC gear, ordering textbooks & supplies.

(719) 389-6125;

or use the Bookstore Contact Page

Bridge Scholars Program Participation inquiries & program questions., or

(719) 389-6024;, or

(719) 227-8256;,

Butler Center Learning about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion topics for all students; Holistic advising, mentoring, and community building for students from historically underrepresented college backgrounds (including First Generation College students); fostering an inclusive campus community

(719) 389-6338;

Campus Activities New Student Orientation Schedule, Student Involvement Form, general questions, student life & organizations on campus, leadership opportunities

(719) 389-6800;

Campus Dining - Bon Appetit Dietary limitations, meal plan, & on-campus dining options.

Meal plan information here;

Contact the BonApp Team

Campus Safety Parking information, General Safety, Emergency Preparedness & Response, & RAVE Guardian App.

(719) 389-6707 (non-emergency line)
(719) 389-6911 (emergency line only)

Chaplain's Office

Spiritual & Intercommunity life, Religious student organizations, our Chaplain is a confidential resource

(719) 389-6638;

OR contact individual staff

Counseling Center Professional mental health support services

(719) 389-6093;

Financial Aid Financial aid awards, loans, scholarships, study abroad, application for returning years

(719) 389-6651;

First Year Program/Office of Academic Programs FYP Pre-Registration, Course Placement, FYP Form, the Common Read (719) 227-8291;
Gold Card CC Student ID, Gold Card Plus

(719) 389-6606;

Health Center DaVita Medical Group health services; athletic physical exams, prescription medications

(719) 389-6384;

Housing & Conferences Housing Form, roommate assignments, Living Learning Communities.

(719) 389-6618;

Information Technology Services (ITS) Password resets, tech help, computer advice, connecting from off-campus.

(719) 389-6449;

International Student & Scholar Services, in the Center for Global Education & Field Study

Immigration questions (I-20's), Cultural adjustment, Exchange Students, International Student Orientation, & the Global Scholars Program

(719) 389-6077;
Mail Center Where, how, and when to mail packages to campus, CC Box assignments (719) 389-6739;
Outdoor Education Priddy Trip Registration Form, accommodations request for Priddy trip, what to pack

(719) 389-6803;

Parent & Family Programs Family Orientation, Family & Friends Weekend, family transition, and support

(719) 389-6103;

The Arts at CC

Learning about all things Arts for all members of our campus community:

Including the academic departments and programs (Music, Theatre and Dance, Film and Media), the Fine Arts Center Theatre Company, Student Performing Arts organizations, and the greater integration of the arts into all parts of campus life.


Registrar's Office AP/IB Credits, Transcript Evaluation

(719) 389-6610;

Sexual Assault Response and Support Confidential resource and support to those impacted by gender-based violence

(719) 227-8101;

Student Accounts Billing, Payment Plans, Meal Plan

(719) 389-6698;

Student Employment Work-study award, on-campus employment, job postings, off-campus employment

(719) 389-6908;

Student Life Residential Assistants & Residential Life Coordinators, programming & community building in the residence halls (719) 389-6618;
Residential Experience Staff
Emergency Support, Leave of Absences, and Student Issues & Complaints

Support Resources for Students

(719) 389-6655;;
1014 N. Weber Street

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) (719) 389-6386;
Student Opportunities & Advising Hub Advising Questionnaire, Individual Staff advisors for holistic advising and transition support, discussions about curricular and co-curricular questions, grants, fellowships, and other opportunities.

(719) 389-6655;;
1014 N. Weber Street

Wellness Resource Center Immunization Forms, Student Health Insurance, Think About It, preparing for wellness in College, education & prevention work

(719) 389-6211; or 

Worner Desk Gold Card/CC ID; This is the "front desk" for the College so they can point you in the right direction


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Report an issue - Last updated: 06/29/2023