Information for New Faculty

Welcome to Colorado College!

You will be invited to the New Faculty Orientation preceding the start of Block 1. 

Throughout the year, the Crown Faculty Center and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty will sponsor a number of workshops around teaching and scholarship, and to acquaint you with offices that can assist you in your work.

This page contains some useful information for new faculty that many find useful to have before they arrive on campus. If you have any questions, your department/program chair or staff assistant will have the answer or will be able to direct you to someone who does. Please contact Belinda Barrientos (719-389-6682) in the Dean's Office or the Human Resources Office (719-389-7421) if you have questions about the new faculty orientation or other topics associated with your transition as a new Colorado College faculty.

Faculty at Honors Convocation 2014

Academic Calendar


Academics: Teaching and advising resources

Visit the For Faculty page in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty website to learn more about the curriculum and all-college requirements, Crown Center, advising resources, and other teaching resources and opportunities such as the First-Year Program, the Colket Center, teaching off-campus and abroad, teaching in the summer, and the Honor Council. 

Benefits information


Building access, keys, and hours

Building entrance and office keys are ordered online via the "Work Order Form" from Facilities Services. Please check with your department staff assistant to see if keys have already been ordered for you. Do not give your students your office keys. Do not lend your CC ID Card (Gold Card) to students.

Class list

After your email account (login and password) is set up, you can view your class lists by logging onto Self-Service Banner via the college Single Sign On page.

Collaborative resources for facultycollab_resources_thumbnail.png

Colorado College is dedicated to helping connect you with campus resources, individuals, offices, programs, or departments that may have shared scholarly and/or practitioner expertise as well as focused learning outcomes, goals, and passions. Check out these offices to see how they can support you to create high impact learning experiences.

Colorado Springs

The Colorado Springs web site shares information about the city. The El Paso County website provides information on park services and programs, county maps, and county offices. The Visit Colorado Springs Relocation Guide provides helpful information about relocation to Colorado Springs.

Course Evaluation System (Online)

All students complete the all college course evaluation on Banner at the end of the course. Faculty can review the results from each block, and department chairs have access to the results so as to facilitate discussions with faculty on teaching and learning. All faculty can customize (add numerical and narrative questions) the course evaluation each block. To learn more about how to use and customize the course evaluation portal, please visit the Course Evaluation Instructions Page for Faculty. You can also see the instructions posted for students.

Faculty research account and finances

Start-up funds for new tenure-track faculty, as well as internal college grants awarded to faculty members, are placed in the faculty member's research account. Visit the website of the Office of Finance and Administration (aka the Business Office) for information on college financial policies, procedures, forms, and instructions on how to review your research account transaction and balance information.


The faculty governs matters of academic policies, academic standards, and the curriculum. Faculty Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each block. The agenda and minutes are emailed to all faculty and also archived on the Dean of the Faculty Office Canvas Page. The Faculty Handbook describes the administrative organization of the College and the policies and procedures that govern members of the faculty and the academic programs of the College.

College committees and all divisions of the college contribute to the shared governance at Colorado College.


The Office of the Dean provides numerous internal grant resources and also supports faculty in applying for external grants. Visit the Grants page for additional information. In addition, there are separate student grants and funding resources for student-initiated projects, and also special summer grants for faculty to fund faculty-student collaborative research.

Gym and athletics

Faculty have access to the Adam F. Press Fitness Center and its faculty and staff locker rooms. Visit the Recreation website for information and schedules for competitive and recreational sports.

Human resources office

The HR office provides an array of services on college employment, compensation, benefits, policies, and procedures.

Identification card (Gold Card)

Your faculty ID card is a photo ID card that can be used for building access, gym access, library check-out, and many other functions. Visit the Worner Campus Center main desk to get your card.

Information technology and computing

Your network account and email are created automatically and your username and password are sent to the staff assistant in your department. You have a personal network storage drive and a department shared network storage drive. The department staff assistant may be able to help if you need information on how your computer works.

Your Office365 web access also includes cloud storage and collaboration capacities, and local installation of the Office Suite. See the ITS website for a menu of service resources. Contact ITS: at or 719-389-6449 (or campus extension x6449) to consult on, order, and set up your computer and to answer any tech questions you might have.

Tenure-track faculty are issued a standard CC computer. This computer will be replaced by the college's ITS (central) funding pool according to the Life-Cycle Replacement Procedure. Additional computers purchased using the faculty member's research funds or the department's funds are not covered by the Life-Cycle Replacement Procedure for future repairs or replacement.

Intellectual property and copyright policy

The college's intellectual property and copyright policy encourage the creation and dissemination of creative and intellectual work. It applies to all faculty, staff, and students. Appendix B of the policy provides guidelines on the reproduction and distribution of copyrighted materials such as library reserves, electronic course materials.


Tutt Library provides a rich set of research and teaching resources. Visit the website for more information on circulation, the Seay Music Library, Special Collections, interlibrary loans, course reserves, and other resources.


Campus and off-campus mail is delivered to and picked up from the department or program office daily. Mail to faculty, staff, or college offices should be addressed with the recipient's name and mailbox number or office location. Student mail should be addressed with the student's name and Worner box number.


The faculty mentoring program at Colorado College is the Mentoring Alliance Program. MAP facilitates interdisciplinary and collective support for early career faculty who have much to offer regarding new ideas, energy, and experiences. MAP also supports tenured faculty in developing their capacity for robust, intentional, and interdisciplinary mentoring for early career faculty in collaboration with all relevant on-campus constituencies.

Online student course evaluation

At the end of the block, students submit evaluations through an online system (Banner), after which their grades are released to them. Faculty can access the anonymous student evaluations after grades are entered through Banner. Faculty can add custom questions to their online course evaluation questionnaire. Read these instructions to learn how to customize your course evaluation and download the results of your course evaluations.

Printing and copying

Colorado College utilizes a centralized managed print approach to printing, copying, faxing, and scanning across the whole college to improve access to advanced features and environmentally sustainable printing for the campus community. Visit the ITS: "Printing (Regular and 3D)" section for information on connecting to a CC printer.

Student support resources, conduct and policy

The college has a rich network of resources to support students. Take a look at these student resources and become familiar with the many offices that can partner with you if you need to make referrals.

The Pathfinder is the document that describes the rights and responsibilities of students. All Colorado College students are governed by the Pathfinder, from the time they matriculate to the time they graduate, whether they are on-campus or off-campus (includes studying abroad), in class, or out of class. The Pathfinder includes academic policies and procedures, student code of conduct, residential life policies, and general college policies.

Textbook ordering

You can order textbooks to be carried by the CC bookstore through the Single Sign on page.

Visiting faculty housing and residential life

As a residential liberal arts college, the vast majority of students live on campus in traditional dorms, themed living communities, and apartments are overseen by the Office of Housing and Residential Experience. For short-term visiting faculty, Colorado College offers a limited number of furnished apartments as temporary housing.

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