Professor Daniel Sterling

B.S. St. Lawrence University 1953
M.A. Columbia University 1955
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin 1962
Two years after joining the college, Daniel Sterling took over as chair of the mathematics department allowing Wilson Gateley to turn his efforts to computer science. Sterling's interests in mathematics centered on algebra and number theory, and he was known by students for his abstract approaches to most subjects; he once argued that computer science could be taught without access to a computer. He also had a strong interest in photography and co-taught a general studies course on mathematics and photography.
In 1975 he stepped down as chair and, three years later, moved out of the classroom to become director of the computing center for one year. He did institutional research for the college for one more year before deciding to leave the college, and academic life, in 1980. Sterling then worked for Martin Marietta, a major defense contractor in Denver, before moving to southern California. After retiring, he let his artistic talents bloom as he continued photography and turned as well to sculpture.