Professor Andrea Bruder

M.S. Munich University of Technology
Ph.D. Baylor University 2009
Fresh from her Ph.D. in applied analysis, Andrea Bruder joined the department in the fall of 2009 as a welcomed addition to the applied mathematics program. (Technically, she replaced John Watkins whose retirement was on the horizon.) Her interests leaned toward modeling biological systems and understanding the resulting differential equations. Along with David Brown, she worked on a project initiated by an environmental science colleague and designed to track ladybugs, aphids, and ants on yucca plants. This research was followed by many other projects involving her students including modeling school bullying.
Bruder's careful quiet manner has been successful in the classroom where she works to bring in unique assignments that encourage student experimentation. She worked with a colleague from Utah State to develop curricular projects focused on biological systems. During off-hours, Bruder is an avid cyclist (winning local races) and a dedicated rock climber.