Professor David Brown

B.A. St. John's College 1992
Ph.D. University of California, Davis 2001
When David Brown joined the college, there was a concerted effort to enhance the applied mathematics side of the curriculum. As the department grew, it also recognized that students were more and more interested in more applied aspects of math. Brown came with nearly ideal credentials for the applied role: a classical liberal arts undergraduate education plus state-of-the-art expertise in mathematical biology.
Brown breathed new life into existing courses in ordinary differential equations, mathematical biology, and numerical analysis. In addition, he designed a partial differential equations course to round out the applied offerings. He developed a productive relationship with the biology department and was key in winning a Nation Science Foundation grant to encourage student research in math biology. Brown's knowledge of mathematical modeling and exceptional teaching skills led to lively student interest in applied math. In keeping with a liberal arts approach, he covered the standard courses in the curriculum as well, developed a particular interest in statistics, and taught interdisciplinary courses including environmental science.