Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy

Colorado College is committed to providing an environment for students, faculty, staff, contractors, and guests that is conducive to learning and working, and that promotes the health and well being of all members of the community. While the use of tobacco is a personal choice, the health hazards related to smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke are well-documented. In the interests of reducing harm from tobacco use and second-hand smoke, providing an environment that encourages persons to be tobacco-free, reducing long-term health-care costs, and promoting a campus culture of wellness, Colorado College has established a smoke and tobacco-free policy.

Responsible office
Finance & Administration , Student Life
Responsible party
Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students; Vice President for Finance and Administration
Last revision
March 2017
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
June 2017
Effective date
January 2018
Last review
March 2017
Additional references


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


For the purposes of this policy, smoking is defined as the use of smoke-producing tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, mini-cigars, bidis, hookah, pipes, kreteks (also called clove cigarettes), as well as marijuana cigarettes, and bongs. Tobacco use is defined as the use of any tobacco product including any lighted tobacco product, or the use of any type of smokeless tobacco including electronic cigarettes and chewing tobacco, such as spit tobacco, snus and other smokeless products. E-Cigarette use or Vaping is defined by the use of electronic smoking devices or electronic nicotine delivery systems. FDA-approved cessation aids, such as nicotine patches and gum, are not included in this category.  The use of any such products by students, faculty, staff, guests, and contractors is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by campus, including (but not limited to): 

  • All interior spaces on campus and property leased by the college, including classrooms, auditoriums, athletic facilities, work areas, private offices, conference and meeting rooms, lounges and cafeterias, hallways, medical facilities, restrooms, elevators, stairs and stairwells, residence halls and student rooms, including: 
  • The Cabin
  • The Baca Campus  
  • All vehicles leased or owned by the college
  • All outside property or grounds on campus, including outdoor athletic facilities, and areas such as walkways, breezeways, parking lots, and patios.

Preserving the integrity of this policy

The success of the policy depends upon the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of everyone.  Compliance with this policy is grounded in informing and educating members of the college community and visitors about the policy and encouraging those who use tobacco products to seek treatment for tobacco dependence.  If an infraction occurs: students will be referred to the appropriate student conduct office as non-compliance with this policy is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct; faculty, staff and contractors failing to abide by the expectations of this policy will be referred to their immediate supervisors or managers for appropriate action; guests will be required to leave campus if they refuse to comply with the expectations of this policy once advised. 

Colorado College recognizes that quitting smoking can be a significant personal challenge.  In an ongoing effort to enhance awareness and foster compliance, promotional materials and cessation resources are available.  

There are certain permissible exceptions to this policy:

  1. The use of tobacco products in laboratory and classroom instruction/experiments. All research and educational purposes that involve the use of tobacco on campus must be approved in advance by the Dean of the Faculty or their designee. Such use must be preceded by reasonable advance notice to the public. 
  1. The use of smoke or tobacco in connection with the practice of cultural, spiritual, or religious ceremony. All ceremonial use exceptions must be approved in advance by the Chaplain's Office; in the case of use within residential facilities students should follow Residential Life processes which partner with the Chaplain's Office. 




Report an issue - Last updated: 03/04/2021