Community Standards

V. Policies

Following are examples of behavior that is discouraged and prohibited under the Community Standards. These examples include, but are not limited to:

Abuse of Conduct Procedures | Abusive Behavior | Alcohol | Animal Cruelty | CCID/Gold Cards | Collusion | Communication | Community Health Concerns | Discrimination | Dishonesty | Disruption of College Activities and Events | Drugs / Cannabis / Paraphernalia | Fire Safety | Guests | Harassment | Hazardous Materials | Hazing | Misuse of College Network | Misuse of Services | Neighbor and Community Relations | Non-Compliance | On-Campus Hosting and Noise | Parking | Retaliation | Safety & Security | Skateboarding | Smoking | Solicitation, Promotion, and On-Campus Fundraising | Theft | Unauthorized Access | Vandalism / Damage | Violation of Residential Policies and Procedures | Violence | Weapons and Explosives

1. Abuse of Conduct Procedures

Students are expected to comply with the policies and procedures outlined in the Pathfinder. Abuse of the College's policies and procedures includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attempting to discourage an individual's proper use of, or participation in, a College policy or procedure;
  • Failing to attend a mandatory meeting as a part of the Student Conduct Process and or any other policy outlined in the Pathfinder;
  • Disruption or interference with a conduct conference, or investigation;
  • Intentionally filing a false report;
  • Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed on a student;
  • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an Abuse of Conduct Procedures

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2. Abusive Behavior

Demeaning, disrespectful, or vulgar behavior directed at any person is prohibited. Such behavior is incongruous with the values of Colorado College and includes but is not limited to, berating college or law enforcement officials in the course of their duties, aggressively confronting referees, opposing players, or fans at athletic events, or engaging in bullying behaviors. Abusive behavior which occurs in the context of protest and dissent will be reviewed under the College's Freedom of Expression policy.

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3. Alcohol

This policy is intended to be applied within the context of Colorado Law, in compliance with the 1989 Amendments to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, and in the spirit of responsible drinking.

Alcoholic beverages may not under any circumstances, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under twenty-one years of age. Individuals may not be in a state of public intoxication or drunkenness and may not operate a motor vehicle or any other form of transportation while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol may not be consumed and open alcohol containers may not be possessed by any person in a public space unless contained within the established perimeter of a pre-approved function and served by a licensed distributor. Public spaces include but are not limited to, residence hall lounges, hallways, and lobbies, academic and administrative buildings, athletic facilities, and outdoor spaces including but not limited to Autry Field, Hershey Courtyard, the East Campus apartment decks, and sidewalks on or off campus.

Individuals who are over the age of twenty-one may possess and/or consume reasonable amounts of alcohol within their personal residence spaces, or in the private residence of another student who is also twenty-one, so long as all individuals present in the room are also over the age of twenty-one. Students who are twenty-one years of age may be held responsible for providing alcohol to minors if they are found to be consuming alcohol in the presence of minors. Brewing and/or distilling alcohol on campus is not permitted regardless of the age of the student. Large quantities of empty alcohol containers, even if for the purposes of decoration, may not be stored or kept in the residence halls.

The irresponsible use of alcohol is also prohibited. Irresponsible drinking is defined as consuming alcohol in a way that is likely to result in a harmful level of intoxication or intoxication-related behaviors that are disruptive, damaging, or dangerous. Any behaviors that promote irresponsible drinking including but not limited to, playing drinking games, possession of beer bongs or funnels, or serving high alcohol content drinks such as those containing grain alcohol or Everclear are prohibited. Possession of kegs, keg shells, kegerators, mini(pony)-kegs or other keg accessories are not permitted on College premises unless they are provided in conjunction with a pre-approved function and serviced by a licensed distributor.

Students hosting or attending parties off campus should be aware that property surrounding campus is subject to Colorado Spring's Open Container Laws and students may face legal and conduct consequences for violating this law. It is also unlawful and a violation of this policy to provide open source alcohol (unmonitored kegs, coolers, punchbowls, etc.) at social functions where individuals under twenty-one years of age are present. Students living off-campus who wish to host parties involving alcohol should also familiarize themselves with the Neighbor and Community Relations Policy.

As an educational institution, Colorado College attempts to educate its community members about the unlawful use of alcohol and to encourage appropriate, responsible behavior. The college encourages bystander intervention and therefore reserves the right to offer a non-conduct-based, safety-first response in certain situations involving the abuse of alcohol. This is outlined in the Student Conduct Procedures section. For information on resources and support related to alcohol use please visit the Wellness Resource Center's web page on substance use and abuse.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited at any membership-recruitment functions of any College organization (e.g., fraternities, sororities, clubs, teams, etc.) or at events where potential members are invited or required to attend. Alcohol is also prohibited for both players and officials at indoor or outdoor intercollegiate, intramural, or club sports activities. Student organizations and other officially recognized student groups will be held accountable through the Guidelines for Student Organizations, NCAA Guidelines, and other such group regulations. In addition, individual members may also face individual sanctions for their behaviors.

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4. Animal Cruelty

Engaging in any form of violence towards an animal including but not limited to attacking, injuring, or killing any animal (except when engaged in legal hunting, fishing, or livestock management practices) is prohibited. Additionally, failing to provide necessary food, water, or care for an animal, abandoning unreasonably any animal, or transporting or confining an animal in a cruel manner is prohibited. Causing one animal to fight another, seriously overworking an animal, or influencing another person to cause harm to an animal is also prohibited.

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5. CCID / Gold Card

All college community members are required to have and appropriately use a CCID, (also known as a Gold Card) as the common form of identification on campus. The CCID serves as the student's identification as well as a key to their living area and other important areas of campus. The following are particular expectations of this policy:

  • Students are required to be in possession of their CCID at all times and to present it to campus safety or other college officials whenever requested.
  • No person, other than the one pictured on the front of the card, is permitted to use a CCID for identification, access, debit, or any other purpose.
  • Students may not deface or alter a CCID.
  • Students may not loan their CCID to another student for use.
  • If a card is lost or stolen, the owner is required to report it to the Worner Desk upon determining it is lost or stolen. After business hours, security should be notified. Cardholders are responsible for all transactions until the CCID is reported missing, at which time the card will be canceled and all services deactivated so that an unauthorized person cannot use it. The cardholder will not be able to gain access to any location requiring a CCID until it is replaced, and all remaining funds in the Gold Card account are transferred to a new card.

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6. Collusion

Collusion is any action or inaction by a student who is aware that another student has violated or is violating a College policy, and such student assists in the violation of the policy and/or, does not try to stop or otherwise address the behavior. A student is not required to confront or otherwise attempt to stop a student if such action would jeopardize the student's own safety. Failure to report a violation of College policy to a college official (such as an RA, RLC, or Campus Safety) may also be considered collusion except in instances of gender-based violence or if the reporting party has legitimate concerns of retaliation.

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7. Communication

Students' CC email addresses will serve as the primary form of contact and communication from the college. It is the responsibility of each student to check and read email regularly. It is the responsibility of the student to respond to all college communications within the time frames set by the college. This includes responding to requests for mandatory meetings from college officials, even if the student believes they are not at fault or a meeting is not needed.

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8. Community Health Concerns

Conditions that may risk the health of another person are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of noxious materials;
  • Use of pungent materials;
  • Abuse of toilet facilities such that vomit, excrement, or urine is left for others to clean;
  • Littering in public areas, allowing excessive trash to build up, or spilling garbage cans with the expectation someone else will clean them up;
  • Leaving perishable food items or excessive trash in residence hall rooms during extended breaks or during check out.

8.1 Community Health Crisis Response

In order to ensure the safety of individuals and the overall community, students may be required to provide documentation about immunizations prior to their arrival on campus. Additionally, during any public health emergency students are expected to comply with public health guidance and requirements such as those distributed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as those set forth by the State of Colorado or El Paso County that are developed to address. The College may also place additional requirements on students it deems appropriate during a health crisis. Any additional requirements made by the College will be published at the top of this web page and distributed to students via their CC email address.

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9. Discrimination

Treating a person or group unfavorably or differently because of that person's (or group's) race, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability, religion, veteran status, age, or other protected status. Discrimination is particularly condemned when it exploits and jeopardizes the trust that should exist among members of an educational institution. For additional information regarding discrimination please see the College's Anti-Discrimination Policies and Procedures.

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10. Dishonesty

Students are expected to be honest and demonstrate respect for the truth. Acts of dishonesty include but are not limited to:

  • Knowingly providing false information to or withholding material information from any College official or law enforcement officer in the course of their duties, or misrepresenting the truth during a College investigation or conference.
  • Knowingly misrepresenting oneself by providing a false name, an inaccurate ID number, or possessing any form of false identification.
  • Falsifying or misusing documents, accounts, records, identification, or financial instruments.
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University or any government-issued document or form of identification.
  • The submission of false information at the time of admission or readmission is grounds for rejection of the application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, dismissal, or other appropriate disciplinary action

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11. Disruption of College Activities and Events

Disruption of the normal functions of the College including business, activities, events, and academic courses is prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Obstructing freedom of movement of community members or campus visitors, including pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic;
  • Causing noise or participating in a demonstration that disrupts the normal College activities (see the Freedom of Expression policy for information about acceptable ways to protest and express dissent);
  • Causing, leading, or inciting disruption of scheduled or normal activities of the College.

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12. Drugs / Cannabis / Paraphernalia

This policy is intended to be applied within the context of Colorado Law, in compliance with the 1989 Amendments to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

The illegal use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensing of Illicit Drugs, as well as the use or possession of drug paraphernalia, is prohibited. The use, possession, or distribution of cannabis, including medical cannabis, is also prohibited on College premises by this policy. Additionally, the state constitutional amendment authorizing individuals over the age of twenty-one to recreationally use cannabis (Amendment 64) does not change this prohibition or authorize a student to use cannabis. Federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, continues to prohibit cannabis. This prohibition does not conflict with Amendment 64, which explicitly states "nothing in this Section shall prohibit a person, employer, school … or any other entity who occupies, owns or controls a property from prohibiting or otherwise regulating the possession, consumption, use, display, transfer, distribution, sale, transportation, or growing of cannabis on or in that property."

Synthetic drugs that contain ingredients or mimic the effects of illicit drugs are also prohibited. In addition, prescription medications and over-the-counter medications must be utilized according to prescribed instructions, and the possession or use of prescription drugs without a prescription is prohibited, as is the distribution of prescription drugs. The use of Nitrous Oxide (whip-its) or other forms of inhalants is also prohibited. Driving a motor vehicle while impaired or under the influence of illicit drugs, cannabis, or a prescription drug that adversely affects one's abilities, is prohibited.

Students struggling with substance use or abuse are encouraged to seek out additional resources offered through the Wellness Resource Center.

Students who are also employees of the College are subject to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

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13. Fire Safety

It is the responsibility of each student to review and follow fire evacuation procedures, participate in fire drill practices, and take proactive measures to minimize the risk of fire. Any action or inaction by a student that contributes to an increased risk of fire is a violation of fire safety and is prohibited. For detailed procedures and information, refer to the Emergency Preparedness page. For detailed information about fire safety and drills in residential facilities, consult the Residential Life Procedures page. Examples of violations include:

  • Failure to evacuate when a fire alarm is activated;
  • Improper use of or tampering with College safety equipment, including alarms, signs, sirens, emergency lighting, sprinkler systems and pull stations;
  • Discharging a fire extinguisher for any other reason than an attempt to extinguish a fire;
  • Opening fire exit doors when they are not being used as an exit in an emergency;
  • Blocking hallways, windows, stairwells, or other forms of egress which may need to be used as an exit route in case of an emergency;
  • Starting or causing a fire on campus. Fireplaces in residential spaces are available for use by residents, however, abuse of these spaces may result in residents losing access.

Under no circumstances is any student allowed to remove or tamper with a smoke detector. If there is a question about whether or not a detector is working properly, students should immediately consult a residential life staff member, campus safety officer, or maintenance worker.

Students may not burn candles or possess, store or use any flammable substances, such as gasoline, propane, Sterno, or cleaning fluids in residential spaces. Additionally, all flammable decorations must be kept at least three feet away from any heating source.

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14. Guests

A guest is any student who does not live in a particular residential space but is being hosted by a resident of that space, or any person who is not otherwise a Colorado College community member that is being hosted on campus by a student. The College does not generally restrict the hours when students may host guests in their residence, however, the College may place such restrictions on a student who violates this or other policies which are disruptive to the communities of which they are a part. Additionally, students may restrict visitation and guest access through their community agreement process.

Residential rooms and apartments are designed for regular student use by the student(s) assigned to that space. If students want to have a large number of guests in their rooms, they must work with their RLC to determine how many people are appropriate to have inside a room/apartment at a time and be within fire codes. There must be at least 7.5 square feet of empty floor space per person. A typical double room is 12x12 feet. With furniture in the room, the average available floor space is about 75 square feet, which means that 10 people maximum may be in the average double room at a time.

Students are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) the entire time the guest is in their residential space or, if the guest is a non-community member, the entire time they are on College premises. Students who choose to host guests in their residence have the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure that the guest is aware of and upholds the policies
  • Escort the guest in the building at all times
  • Report any concerning behavior of the guest to the staff
  • Ensure that the guest is not imposing on roommates/apartment mates.

Guests may not stay on campus for more than three consecutive days without proper approval from the Residential Life Coordinator overseeing the space. RLCs may grant approval for guests to stay on campus for up to seven days. Any plans for a guest to stay longer than seven days must be approved by the Director of the Residential Experience. Individuals may not "room hop" or stay with various students across campus as a way to avoid this restriction.

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15. Harassment

Behavior that is severe, pervasive, or persistent to a degree that a reasonable person similarly situated would be prevented from accessing an educational opportunity or benefit. This behavior includes but is not limited to, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, and coercion. In addition, harassment may be conducted through a variety of mediums, including but not limited to, physical, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic.

15.1 Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as specifically targeting an individual as a result of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. For more information please review the College's Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policies and Procedures.

15.2 Biased Harassment

Biased harassment is defined as specifically targeting an individual as a result of their legally protected status such as; race, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability, religion, veteran status, or age. For more information please review the College's Anti-Discrimination Policy.

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16. Hazardous Materials

Students may not possess or use materials or articles that can create hazardous conditions on campus. A "hazardous condition" poses a threat to building facilities and/or occupants thereof as determined by facilities services personnel and/or environmental health and safety staff. Legally permitted chemicals or substances that can threaten or cause harm, or cause fear in others are also not permitted, with the exception of pepper spray or mace, when carried for the express purpose of self-defense.

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17. Hazing

Acts of hazing are strictly prohibited by the College. Hazing is defined as any act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, which destroys or removes public or private property, and/or assists, directs, or in any way causes others to participate in behaviors that are degrading or which produces ridicule, embarrassment, or other similar results, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition of continued membership in, a group or organization, or as any part of any activity of a student group or organization.

Previously relied upon "traditions," intent of such acts or coercion by current or former student leaders of such groups will not suffice as a justifiable reason for participation in such acts. The express or implied consent of the victim is not a defense. Students who are the recipients of hazing events, or who have firsthand knowledge that an incident of this type has occurred and fail to report it to appropriate college officials may also be charged with violating this policy

Examples of hazing include but are not limited to paddling, creating excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shock, causing a student to violate the law or college policies, public stunts, and degrading or humiliating games and activities.

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18. Misuse of College Networks

Any misuse of the College's facilities, equipment, networks, websites, list serves, email, passwords, accounts, or information is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Use of another individual's identification and/or password
  • Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene or threatening messages
  • Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.
  • Use of computing facilities and resources, including a college email address, for personal profit, and/or to establish and/or operate a business

Misuse that results in network interruption or failure is also prohibited and may also result in legal action against those responsible. For more information, visit the Policies page on the Division of Information Technology site.

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19. Misuse of Services

Misuse of services is defined as using property, facilities, or personnel in ways that they are not designed or intended. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Unauthorized use of equipment, facilities, vehicles, logos, or names;
  • Use of resources or personnel for profit such as using a residence hall room to establish and/or operate a business

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20. Neighbor and Community Relations

Any behavior which disrupts neighbors, violates the law, or otherwise negatively impacts or threatens to negatively impact the reputation of the College is prohibited.

Students hosting parties at off-campus houses are responsible for the size and activities occurring at or associated with their gatherings. Parties that overrun the capacities of the hosts' house are most likely to draw attention and complaints from neighbors, however, even small gatherings may be disruptive to neighbors when noise from music or other activities is excessive, or when participants engage in over-consumption of alcohol. Examples of irresponsible hosting include, but are not limited to:

  • Noise complaints resulting from an off-campus party;
  • Noise complaints resulting from guests coming to or from an off-campus party;
  • Littering before, during, or after a party;
  • Public urination by those attending an off-campus party;
  • Unmonitored sources of alcohol that risk dangerous levels of intoxication by guests;
  • Unmonitored source of alcohol that results in consumption of alcoholic beverages by underage individuals;
  • No guest list to monitor access to the party;
  • Hosting a party without first registering online. This registration site also includes suggestions for maintaining positive neighbor relations.

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21. Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the directions of a College official (including RA's), or law enforcement officer during the performance of their duties is prohibited. Examples include:

  • Failing to provide a CCID to any College staff member upon request (all students are required to carry their CCID on their person at all times per the CCID policy above);
  • Failing to schedule a meeting when requested or return a phone call and/or email from a College staff member;
  • Not cooperating with a proper and lawful directive of any College official or law enforcement officer, even when you believe you may not be at fault for anything;
  • Failing to follow published college procedures, such as room selection procedures or check-out procedures;
  • Intentionally fleeing from a College official or law enforcement officer when you know or reasonably should believe the officer is attempting to confront, arrest, or detain you.

While students are expected to comply with the reasonable, lawful requests of a College official and to provide honest and accurate information, students will not be held responsible for violations under this policy for choosing not to present information in the course of a conduct conference.

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22. On-Campus Hosting and Noise

As academic pursuits are the central mission of the college, a policy of 24-hour consideration hours exists in all on-campus residences. This means that all students have the right to be able to sleep and study in their living areas with reasonable accommodation. As individuals' definitions of "noisy" and "quiet" may differ, it is critical that students discuss this within their community. Indications that noise is too loud typically include things like it can be heard by a neighbor in their room, it can be heard 50 feet away from the building when windows are open, or it can be heard down the hall. When in conflict, the residential life staff or campus safety make the judgment about whether someone has impacted others under this policy. Amplifiers, stereos, speakers (including subwoofers), or other loud devices used in and around any on-campus housing can be confiscated if they are found to be a noise disturbance.

Residential quiet hours are 11 p.m.-8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and midnight-9 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. During these times, students are expected to conduct themselves in a way that does not disrupt others from sleeping or studying in their rooms/ apartments. Students may choose to extend quiet hours for their living area through their community agreement, which should be done with the support and instruction of the Residential Life staff.

Students hosting on-campus gatherings are responsible for the size and activities occurring at or associated with their gatherings. Gatherings that overrun the capacities of their residence are the ones most apt to draw attention and complaints from the community. For additional information regarding the hosting of gatherings on campus please review the Alcohol and Guest policies.

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23. Parking

Excessive or flagrant violation of the College's parking policies may be referred for discipline under these Standards, in addition to normal fines or revocation of parking privileges. For more information about parking on campus, please visit the Parking page.

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24. Retaliation

Any adverse or negative action or behavior against an individual as a consequence of such individual: raising good faith concerns about conduct prohibited by any college policy; opposing discrimination or harassment; reporting, making a complaint, cooperating, and/or participating in any way in the college's procedures (including as a witness); or otherwise participating in a process administered by any other third party (including, for example, a criminal process or a complaint with a government agency). Retaliation may result in immediate disciplinary action. Examples of retaliation include but are not limited to:

  • Attempting to discourage an individual's use of or participation in the procedures addressed in this policy.
  • Harassment (verbal or physical), coercion, intimidation, or threatening of any member of the college community, including a reporting party or responding party, subject of an alleged violation (if not the reporting party), witnesses, investigators, or others involved in the process.

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25. Safety & Security

Students are expected to act in ways that minimize the risk of harm and promote the safety of individuals and the community. Examples of violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:

  • Tampering with or preventing the functionality of physical locking devices;
  • Misuse of campus emergency systems, including call boxes, fire alarms, or emergency exits;
  • Failure to report lost/stolen key(s) or CCID cards;
  • Opening doors or allowing entry to anyone (including other CC students) into residential areas if they are not a personal guest and/or propping doors open;
  • Revealing door codes or CCIDs to others.

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26. Skateboarding

The use of skateboards, longboards, and penny boards is restricted to use as a mode of transportation on College premises. Due to the risk of damage to property, accidental injury to pedestrians, and concerns around noise, the practice of trick skating in any form is prohibited. Students who are interested in trick skating are encouraged to explore the Colorado Springs community's numerous skate parks.

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27. Smoking

Smoking of any substance, which includes the use of electronic cigarettes or vaping, is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by campus, including (but not limited to):

  • All interior spaces on campus and property leased by the college, including classrooms, auditoriums, athletic facilities, work areas, private offices, conference and meeting rooms, lounges and cafeterias, hallways, medical facilities, restrooms, elevators, stairs and stairwells, residence halls and student rooms, including:
  • The Cabin
  • The Baca Campus
  • All vehicles leased or owned by the college
  • All outside property or grounds on campus, including outdoor athletic facilities, and areas such as walkways, breezeways, parking lots, and patios.

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28. Solicitation, Promotion, and On-Campus Fundraising

Solicitation and peddling, by students and other individuals, are prohibited on campus. Student organizations may receive permission to sponsor pre-approved fundraising events by contacting the Office of Campus Activities. The use of campus facilities and resources for publicity and advertising requires appropriate approval. Please contact the appropriate venue manager for information about posting approval. Residential spaces may be used to post advertisements for college-sponsored events, or recognized student organizations, however, general publications and non-college affiliate postings are prohibited in these spaces and will be removed by staff. Anonymous postings are not permitted and may be removed at any time by any member of the community. Additional information on the Distribution of Printed Materials and Solicitation.

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29. Theft

Theft is defined as the unauthorized removal, acquisition, or use of and/or attempted removal, acquisition, or use of items or services that belong to another person or entity. This also includes knowingly possessing any such stolen property.

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29. Unauthorized Access

For safety and operational reasons, access to some areas on campus and in campus buildings is restricted. Unauthorized entry into or use of College facilities or resources, or unauthorized entry into another person's residence, vehicle, or business, is prohibited. Unauthorized use, possession, or duplication of means of access (such as keys or Gold Cards) to College facilities is also prohibited. In addition, climbing and scaling walls of any college building are prohibited to protect student safety and privacy and to maintain the condition of the buildings.

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30. Vandalism/Damage

Damage is defined as the actual destruction of or harm caused to any property, regardless of intent. Vandalism is defined as the intentional and/or unintentional damage of or harm to the property of the College, of another institution, or of any person. This also includes the misuse of property that leads to damage.

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31. Violation of Residential Policies

In keeping with Colorado College's mission of building community, the College has a three-year residential requirement, for more information about this policy or to learn about exemption from this policy please see Residential Requirement. Attempts to circumvent this requirement are prohibited. Additionally, while living on campus, students are responsible to uphold the residential life policies not otherwise enumerated in the Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures.

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32. Violence

Any form of physical violence, except within the confines of customary public athletic events, contests, competitions, or practices that are sponsored by the College, is strictly prohibited. Violence includes threatening, attempting, or causing physical injury or inflicting physical pain. This includes any other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person and/or the community as well as intentionally making physical contact with another individual when you know or reasonably should believe the other will view the contact as offensive or provocative.

32.1 Sexual Violence

The act of committing any unwelcome or unwanted physical activity or contact of a sexual nature toward another person without their active consent or when a person is incapable of giving active consent. This includes Intimate Partner, Dating and Domestic Violence; Sexual Assault; Sexual Exploitation; and Stalking. For additional information on Sexual Violence please see the College's Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy.

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33. Weapons and Explosives

The possession or use of any weapon - including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, pellet guns, air guns, paintball guns, stun guns, tasers, smoke devices, bows/arrows, swords, large knives (defined as a knife with a 3.5-inch blade or longer), explosives, and fireworks - is prohibited on College property because of the potential for personal injury, theft, unauthorized use of such items, and disruptive impact on the College community. Possession of any item which mimics any of the above in appearance or function is also prohibited. In addition, verbal or written threats by a student indicating they have a prohibited weapon or explosive will be taken and responded to as an actual threat, whether or not information of such weapon or explosive exists. Information about Safety Programs and Services can be found on the Campus Safety page.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 09/27/2023