Conduct Procedures

Conduct Procedures

Incident Reporting | Interim Suspension / Measures | Processing Reports | Restorative Justice | Community Standards Sanctions | Safety First Response | Appeals | Parental Notification | Policy on Disciplinary Records

The following procedures apply when a student is alleged to have violated the Student Community Standards, the Freedom of Expression policy or any other College policy which does not have its own separate procedures. A student also may be subject to discipline arising out of the same or related facts and circumstances under the Honor Code, the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedures, and/or the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy. The College will decide how to address situations which potentially involves violations of multiple policies on a case by case basis.

Please refer to the procedures for violations of the Honor Code, the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedures, and the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures.

A. Incident Reporting

Any person, including students, College employees, or third parties (visitors, neighbors, etc.), may report an incident of alleged misconduct by a student or group of students. The person reporting the incident can be the alleged victim or a witness to an incident, or someone who otherwise has sufficient information to submit a report. While there is no time limit on reporting alleged violations of the Student Community Standards, those who are aware of misconduct are encouraged to report it as quickly as possible.

A report may be made in person to any College official including but not limited to: Campus Safety officers, Residential Experience Staff such as RAs or RLCs, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager, or the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. Individuals may also submit reports online.

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B. Interim Suspension / Measures

In cases in which the alleged behavior of a student is so significant that their continued presence on campus poses an ongoing threat to the safety and well-being of one or more members of the College community; to the preservation of College property; or the student poses an ongoing threat of disruption of or interference with, the operations of the College, The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager, or their designee, has the authority to impose an Interim Suspension.

During an interim suspension, a student may be denied access to College premises, including housing, as well as College activities such as academic coursework, student employment, student activities, or College events, pending the outcome of the conduct proceedings. Following the issuing of an interim suspension, a conduct proceeding will be scheduled as soon as practicable. Any student who, in the course of serving an interim suspension, has legitimate business on campus such as attendance at a mandatory meeting or obtaining access to records, must receive written authorization from the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or their designee, prior to coming to campus.

The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager, or their designee, may also impose additional or alternative interim measures pending the outcome of the conduct process, which may include no-contact orders, counseling, housing changes, or other requirements determined necessary in light of the complaint.

In all cases in which interim measures, including interim suspension, are issued, the student shall be notified in writing of the actions being taken, and the reasons for the imposed measures. This notice shall include the time, date, and place of a subsequent conference at which the student may show cause as to why their continued presence on campus does not constitute an ongoing threat, why any other interim measures are inappropriate, or may contest whether the fact of the initial report is wholly accurate. This conference does not replace the Conduct process outlined below or the processes outlined in any other appropriate policy, but rather serves merely as an opportunity for a student to challenge the interim measures put in place while the remainder of the process occurs.

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C. Processing Complaints

The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will review each report and determine if the information presented are sufficient to bring charges as well as the appropriate procedure for addressing the allegations. In deciding the appropriate procedure for addressing a particular report, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager may consider, among other factors, the nature and severity of the alleged misconduct, the prior conduct record of the alleged student(s), and the impact on individuals or the community of the alleged violations.

Unless it is determined that no action is required on the report, the student shall be notified of the allegations, the process by which the report will be addressed, and the maximum sanctions which will be considered if the student is found responsible for a violation. The standard of proof needed to determine whether a violation of the Standards has occurred is a preponderance of the information meaning that the information shows that it is more likely than not, or more than a 50% likelihood that the student is responsible for the violation. The following options exist as a means of resolving a report of alleged misconduct:

  1. All reports which involve allegations related to the College's Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedures, or the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures will be reviewed by the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for students, who will then ensure that the procedures set forth in the applicable Policy are followed.
  2. The majority of reports will be forwarded to a Residential Life Coordinator or maybe heard by the Community Standards and Conduct Manager for adjudication through a Conduct Conference. A Residential Life Coordinator or the Community Standards and Conduct Manager is authorized to impose any sanction up to and including Conduct Probation, as well as any appropriate educational sanctions.
  3. Reports which involve inter-personal conflict or those with significant community impact may be referred to the Restorative Justice Process as outlined below. The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will determine if a report is appropriate for Restorative Justice, and all parties involved must agree to this process voluntarily.
  4. Reports involving significant violations of policy, or those involving students with a significant conduct history will be referred to a Conduct Panel. There are three forms of Conduct Panels described below. The decision about which form of the panel will be utilized will be made by the Community Standards and Conduct Manager. All panels will be chaired by the Community Standards and Conduct Manager or their designee who will oversee and ensure that all procedural guidelines set forth below are upheld.
    1. Student Panel - A panel made up of two specially trained students and one college staff member. The type of reports that may be sent to a Student Panel typically involve cases that directly affect the student body or in which the student body has a particular vested interest and cases involving students with significant conduct history. This type of panel may impose sanctions up to and including Suspension.
    2. Administrative Panel - A panel consisting of two to three specially trained College staff members. The type of reports that may be sent to an Administrative Panel typically include cases that involve significant harm or impact to the broader campus community and those involving students with extensive conduct history which may or may not include previous cases heard by a student panel. This type of panel may hear cases where dismissal is a possible sanction.
    3. Community Standards Response Panel - A panel of faculty members, staff, and students. The type of cases that may be sent to a Community Standards Response Panel will involve freedom of expression considerations.

If a report is assigned to a panel for review, the student will be notified and invited to an intake meeting with the Community Standards and Conduct Manager to review the report and discuss panel procedures. Students will be provided with the names of all panel members and given 24 hours to approve or challenge any panel member's participation if there is reason to believe the proposed panel member will be biased against them. During the panel, members will consider all relevant information, which may include information learned during the formal meeting with the student, and make a determination regarding whether any violation has occurred and, if appropriate, issue sanctions.

A student accused of violations have rights and responsibilities. Additionally, when resolving any report through a Conduct Conference Process, either through a conference with a Residential Life Coordinator, or through a panel process the following procedures apply:

  • Students will be presented with the allegations and charges brought against them in written form;
  • The alleged student shall be presumed not responsible for all charges until it is shown by a preponderance of information that a violation occurred;
  • Conduct Conferences will be held in private, however, cases in which multiple students are charged in the same fact pattern may be held jointly at the discretion of the hearing body;
  • Alleged students may be assisted throughout the conduct process by a support person of their choosing;
    • The support person may not be an attorney unless the alleged is also facing imminent legal action, or is also facing charges under the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy as a result of the same fact pattern leading to the conduct process, this restriction only applies to participation in the conduct process, a student may consult or seek advice from anyone of their choice;
    • Students alleged of violating college polices in the same fact pattern may not serve as a support person to one another;
    • A support person may not also serve as a witness on the alleged student's behalf;
    • During the process, the support person may not actively participate, directly address an involved college official, or advocate on behalf of the student, an accused student can request a brake any conduct proceeding to converse with their support person but is responsible for presenting their own information;
    • Conduct conferences will not be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict of a support person, therefore an alleged student should select as their support person someone who will be available at the time and date of their conference;
    • Any support person who is verbally abusive, disruptive to the process, or persists in trying to inappropriately and substantively participate in the process may be removed from the process, and barred from future meetings so long as they have been previously warned that their behavior is inappropriate;
    • Members of the Committee for Student Community Standards may serve as a support person upon request so long as they are not directly involved in the hearing of the student's case or appeals procedure. Requests for a student support person must be made to the Community Standards and Conduct Manager who will work to identify an available committee member to serve in this role.
  • All witness statements made in support of or against the alleged student must be submitted in writing and must involve direct, first-hand information related to the charge(s), witness statement along with all other pertinent records or documents will be included in the process at the sole discretion of the hearing body;
  • Prior conduct history will not be introduced or used to determine if a violation of policy occurred, but will be introduced and considered when determining appropriate sanctions;
  • All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the Community Standards and Conduct Manager
  • At the conclusion of the conduct conference, the alleged student will be notified in writing of the outcome of the case and will have the opportunity to appeal any such decision, appeals procedures are outlined below;
  • If an accused student with notice, does not appear at a student conduct conference, the information in support of the charges may be presented, considered, and a decision made in the student's absence.

If a student decides to voluntarily withdraw from the College during a pending investigation or adjudication process the College may choose to pursue charges with or without the student's continued participation in the process. In these cases, a decision will be made based on the information available at the time and any findings will be reflected in the student's conduct records.

In certain cases, Colorado College may choose to grant a Medical Withdrawal/Leave for a student in lieu of a formal conduct process and potential sanctions. Such allowances will only be made in cases involving student behavior that occurs as a direct result of a mental health crisis. Such a withdrawal/leave may or may not allow for the student's return. If a return is allowed, an agreement will be made describing the conditions of the student's return, such as completion of a treatment program, medical documentation, etc.

Note: Just as students with disabilities may be eligible for accommodations in their classes and living environments and other aspects of their educational experience at the College, accommodations may be available for Community Standards procedures as well. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources by calling (719)227-8285.

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D. Restorative Justice

Restorative justice practices may be as an alternative to traditional conduct processes or may be used in conjunction with or parallel to traditional conduct processes. Restorative justice practices are defined as practices that emphasize repairing the harm caused to individuals and the community by the behavior of an alleged party. Restorative justice practices are facilitated meetings attended voluntarily by the alleged party, the harmed party, and may include community members. By engaging the parties to the report in voluntary dialogue, restorative justice practices provide an opportunity for the alleged to accept responsibility for the harm caused, promote healing on the part of the harmed party, and enable the participants to agree on outcomes with an eye towards repairing the harm caused.

While Colorado College seeks to incorporate aspects of restorative justice practices into all conduct proceedings, not all reports of misconduct are right for a formal restorative justice conference. The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will review every report of alleged misconduct to determine if a report may be appropriate for a referral to a formal restorative justice conference. Factors that will be considered will include the impact of the alleged behavior on the involved parties and the College community, the willingness of the alleged student to accept responsibility for any harm caused, the desire of the involved parties to repair the harms caused and rebuild damaged relationships, and the possibility for the reintegration of the offending party back into the campus community.

If a report is deemed appropriate for referral to a formal restorative justice conference the following steps will take place:

  • The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will schedule an intake meeting with the alleged student to discuss the report, and the restorative justice conference process, to gauge the alleged student's willingness to accept responsibility and pursue a restorative justice conference voluntarily.
  • Suppose the alleged student shows to be willing to pursue restorative justice and the Community Standards and Conduct Manager still feels the report is appropriate. In that case, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager will reach out to the individuals harmed by the alleged student's actions to gauge their willingness to participate in the process. While it is always preferable to have the harmed parties voluntarily participate in a restorative justice process it is not absolutely necessary and the College may choose to pursue a community-based restorative justice conference in the harmed party's absence.
  • The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will work with the involved parties, both alleged and harmed should they choose to participate, to identify any other parties which may have either directly or indirectly impacted the alleged student's behavior. Members of the Student Community Standards Board may be called upon to serve as community members.
  • The Community Standards and Conduct Manager will identify a trained facilitator to oversee a restorative justice conference. This may be the Community Standards Manager, a specially trained staff member, or a specially trained member of the Student Community Standards Board.
  • A facilitated restorative justice conference will take place which will involve an open, confidential discussion of the incident and behaviors in question, the harms caused, and the impact on the community. These conversations will be entered into with an understanding of the guiding principles of speaking honestly, listening with completely, and treating all parties with respect. If at any time any party in the process comes to believe that others are not there in good faith, or that there is not an acknowledgment of the harm caused the facilitator reserves the right to cancel the process and refer the report back to the Community Standards and Conduct Manager for review.
  • All parties to the restorative justice conference will work together to identify a set of outcomes they feel will go towards repairing harm, rebuilding relationships, and reintegration into the community.
  • The set of outcomes identified by the restorative justice conference participants will be forwarded to the Community Standards and Conduct Manager for documentation, and a follow-up meeting with the alleged party will be held to discuss how each of the identified outcomes will be achieved. The alleged party will receive an email with verification of the outcomes discussed. Any outcomes agreed to in a restorative justice conference are not appealable.

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E. Community Standards Sanctions

When a student has been found to be responsible for a violation(s) of the Community Standards, the appropriate hearing body will issue sanctions as appropriate. When determining appropriate sanctions the College may consider a variety of factors including but not limited to:

  1. The nature and severity of the conduct, including whether the conduct involved a single incident or repeated acts;
  2. The impact of the conduct on the student, other individuals, and/or the College community;
  3. The student's conduct history;
  4. How the College has sanctioned similar incidents in the past;
  5. Whether the student has accepted responsibility; and
  6. Any mitigating or aggravating circumstances with respect to any parties involved in the case.

If a student violates multiple policies, such as the Honor Code, or the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy, and such violations arise out of the same or related facts and circumstances, the College will decide how to impose the appropriate sanction(s).

The College utilizes a non-codified system in response to conduct violations. This means that the College does not have a prescribed list of outcomes for any particular violation. The sanction(s) that may be imposed when a student is found to have violated the Community Standards will vary dependent on the specifics of the case and the students involved. All sanctions are designed to be educational or developmental in nature and should never be interpreted as a punishment, but rather as an opportunity for the student to learn from their behaviors and make better choices moving forward. Students who accept responsibility for their violations may be asked or encouraged to assist in the development of sanctions that will best meet the developmental needs of the student or assist in repairing harm to the community. Multiple sanctions may be assigned for one violation.

Sanctions may fall into one of three categories:

  • Primary Sanctions: Sanctions that require no action on the student's behalf but may affect their status with the college or limit their opportunities and privileges on and off campus, including but not limited to hosting, room selection, ability to maintain certain leadership roles, and ability to attend study abroad/courses taught off-campus.
  • Secondary Sanctions: Sanctions that are designed to engage students in education, development, and/or self-reflection, or which are meant to repair harm or rebuild community trust.
  • Group Sanctions: Sanctions imposed on a student organization that may impact the group's ability to function on campus as normal.

These sanctions may be issued in any combination and are not to be considered incremental. A student or group may receive the most severe response, even for a first offense. All sanctions take effect when the appeal for the case is exhausted, waived, or the time limit for appeal has passed. These sanctions include but are not limited to the following:

  • Primary: Sanctions:
    • Official Warning: A written notice from the College that the conduct is unacceptable.
    • Disciplinary Probation: A formal notice that any additional findings of responsibility will likely result in suspension or dismissal from the College. A student who is on disciplinary probation is not eligible to study abroad or attend classes taught off campus. Conduct Probation may also preclude a student from attaining or maintaining certain leadership opportunities or to represent the College in formal public settings.
    • Suspension: Exclusion from the College with the opportunity to rejoin after a designated time period. Suspension is intended to acknowledge the harm a student's behavior has caused the College community, allow the community time to heal, and afford the student an opportunity to reflect upon the impact of their conduct on themselves and others. This is why students who are suspended are often asked to complete a reflection upon how they have improved themselves while away from the college, in addition to any other requirements which their return to campus may be contingent upon.
      During a suspension, the student cannot participate in any College activities such as academic coursework, student employment, student activities, or College events. The student cannot be on College property for the duration of a suspension and will receive no financial refunds. Students who are suspended may not take classes at other institutions for credit. In rare cases, the Vice Provost may make an exception.
    • Dismissal: Permanent exclusion from the College, its premises, and all of its activities whereby a student is not eligible for readmission to the College.
    • Deferred Sanction: A sanction of suspension or dismissal may be deferred pending a student's successful completion of conditions imposed by the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or their designee; these conditions may include other sanctions. In cases in which a suspension or dismissal may take place within the last week of a block the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or their designee, may allow for the suspension to be deferred to the end of the block at which time the sanction will go into effect immediately. Students placed on Deferred Sanction are subject to the same limitations as those serving a Conduct Probation. A student who is found in violation of College policy while already serving a deferred sanction will have their original sanction take effect immediately without further review, though additional sanctions may also be applied for the new violation.
    • Persona Non-GrataProhibiting entry on campus (or at specific places on campus) and/or at College-related events, for a specific amount of time.
    • Housing Restriction: Restrictions placed on a residential space on or off campus include but are not limited to: restricting the number of guests a space may have over; banning the hosting of parties, or increasing the quiet hours of a living space. Students sharing a room/apartment/house are responsible for the activities in that space and thus all students sharing a room/apartment/house may be placed on housing restriction, regardless of who was present at the time of an incident.
    • Room Change: Relocation to a different residential community.
  • Secondary Sanctions:
    • Educational Sanctions: Required attendance at an event or interview that is relevant to a specific topic. This is often accompanied by a reflection/research paper. Participating and completing relevant educational programs or training, and paying the cost of such programs.
    • Official Conversation: A documented conversation with a College official.
    • Research Papers: A writing assignment requiring critical analysis and articulation of a specified topic.
    • Reflection Paper: A writing assignment requiring that the student process and reflect upon the actions which led to a Community Standards violation or what the student learned from an Educational Sanction.
    • Restitution: A monetary or service sanction required to pay for the cost of repairing or replacing physical damage or any other cost incurred as a result of the student's conduct.
    • Restorative Service: A student may be offered the opportunity to complete some form of service which is designed to repair specific community harms. The student and the hearing body will work with the appropriate organizations to determine exactly how the student will go about repairing the harm.
    • Roommate Agreement: A mutually agreed upon written contract that students sharing a living space create and agree to uphold.
    • Letter of Apology: If a student acknowledges responsibility for a violation that has directly impacted one or more persons they may be asked to write a letter to those persons apologizing for their actions.
    • Additional Sanctions: Hearing bodies and students are encouraged to be creative in determining ways in which they respond to violations of College policies. This list is not intended to be exhaustive but rather an acknowledgment of the most frequent sanctions issued. As sanctions are meant to be both educational and restorative if students and the hearing body can think of other outcomes which will meet this end they are encouraged to pursue those options.
  • Group Sanctions:
    • Disciplinary Probation: A formal written notice that any additional conduct violations could result in the suspension of the student group's status.
    • Social Probation: Limiting the student group's social activities including, but not limited to, limitations on living units, Greek chapters, and student organizations.
    • Suspension of Status: Suspending recognition, registration, or chartering of a student group.

Note: A student may be required to attend an assessment with a counselor or other appropriate professional to assess if further action by the College is warranted due to conduct impacting the sanctioned student or the surrounding community. The sanctioned student will be responsible for the cost of the assessment. If assessment results indicate a need for further action or follow-up, that will be required. Students not facing conduct sanctions may still be required to participate in an assessment if there are concerns for student well-being.

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F. Safety First Response Policy

Colorado College's primary concern remains at all times the health, safety, and well-being of its students. While the College encourages all students who choose to engage in the consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants to do so in a safe and healthy manner, there are always inherent risks involved in substance use. Because these risks can be potentially life-threatening, Colorado College seeks to reduce barriers to the reporting of alcohol- and drug-related emergencies through the implementation of our Safety First Response Policy.

Part of reducing barriers to reporting alcohol- and drug-related emergencies includes all students being able to identify an emergency situation as it happens. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with signs and symptoms of alcohol and substance overdoses including but not limited to:

  • Loss of consciousness, not responsive to a pain stimulus such as a pinch, or inability to wake
  • Mental confusion/disorientation, unable to answer simple questions such as where are we, what day is it, and who is the president.
  • Irregular or shallow breathing
  • Blue-tinged or pale/clammy skin
  • Uncontrollable vomiting or blood in vomit
  • Difficulty focusing eyes
  • Seizures
  • Arrhythmia (irregularities in the rate or rhythm of a heartbeat)

If one or more of these signs or symptoms are observed, students are encouraged to call Campus Safety or other emergency service providers for support. Whenever a student or group of students exhibit responsible, proactive behavior in an effort to ensure their own or another student's health and safety during an incident or situation that involves a violation of the College's policies related to consumption or possession of alcohol or drugs the College reserves the right to pursue a safety first response. Reasonable, proactive behavior includes the following:

  1. Calling community or campus resources for assistance in an emergency;
  2. Staying until emergency service providers respond.
  3. Complying with any requests of emergency service providers as well as any college officials also responding to the scene.

As long as the above steps are taken the College will offer a modified response process to the individual whose health and safety were in danger, the individuals calling for assistance, and any other involved parties who actively engage in providing care for the at-risk student and does not attempt to dissuade others from calling for help, or encumber emergency services providers. A safety first response does not constitute total amnesty, but rather an active bystander behavior will be met with a mandatory non-conduct-based meeting to discuss the situation and any concerning behaviors. The College's goal is still to engage students in educational conversations around substance use and to be able to provide resources to any student who is showing signs of regular substance abuse.

A safety first response will only be pursued by the College when the circumstances so warrant. Generally, the College will not utilize a safety first response if the conduct and behavior in question include acts of violence, vandalism, or result in harm to others. If a student is also an employee of the College and their conduct violates their employment agreement, this policy will not necessarily apply to decisions made related to their employment status. The College may also consider if a student, or group of students, has actively provided alcohol to minors, or was engaged in the distribution of drugs when determining whether a safety first response is warranted. While the college may utilize a safety first response multiple times for the same student, the number and frequency of incidents may also be considered in determining if a safety first response is appropriate in the future. Additionally, the College will grant full immunity from conduct to any persons who report being sexually abused while under the influence of drugs or alcohol in accordance with the Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy.

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 G. Appeals

Any student who is found responsible for any violation of college policy(ies) may appeal such findings or any sanctions issued. A student is limited to submitting one appeal per case. Submit requests for appeals.

An appeal may be based on one or more of the following:

New Information:

  • New information sufficient to alter a decision, or other relevant facts not known at the time of the original conduct process.

Failure of Process:

  • Allegations that the Residential Life Coordinator, the panel, the Senior Associate Dean of Students or their designee, or the Community Standards and Conduct Manager deviated from the Conduct Procedures in a way that unfairly affected the outcome of the case.

Bias in the Decision-Making Process:

  • Information that a person involved in the decision-making had a bias or conflict of interest which affected the outcome of the case.

Severity of Outcome:

  • If a student acknowledges a violation of policy has occurred but feels that the initial hearing body did not abide by the sanctioning guidelines appropriately an appeal may be filed challenging the severity of the sanctions.

Appeal Procedures

Appeals must be requested by the student within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of an outcome letter advising the student of the finding of responsibility and sanction. Appeal forms must be filled out in their entirety and should include detailed information relevant to support the appeal.

All cases which result in a sanction up to and including Conduct Probation will be reviewed by the Community Standards and Conduct Manager and in cases that result in a sanction of Suspension or Dismissal the appeal will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or their designee. If the reviewing body finds cause for the appeal to move forward they may issue an immediate decision or order a more thorough review by a panel consisting of students and/or staff.

All appeal decisions will be based on the criteria listed above. The decision may include affirming the outcome and sanction(s), referring the complaint to another panel or Residential Life Coordinator, or modifying the sanction(s) imposed.

Note: Sanctions implementations are delayed throughout the appeal process, including the seven-calendar day appeal deadline, with the exception of cases involving interim suspension or other interim measures.

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 H. Parental Notification

At the discretion of the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or their designee, and in accordance with applicable law, including FERPA, the College may contact a student's parent/legal guardian to inform them of the finding of responsibility and any sanctions in cases that so warrant, including but not limited to cases involving alcohol or drugs or where the student's well-being was significantly endangered.

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 I. Policy on Disciplinary Records

Reports of allegations that a student may have violated the Community Standards or another College policy will generally result in the development of a student conduct file. All student conduct files  will be maintained by the College for no less than 5 years after a student's graduation from Colorado College, or their formal withdrawal from the College. These files may be maintained for as long as administratively valuable and will be maintained indefinitely if a student is suspended or dismissed from the College, or in situations that may result in future litigation.

Student conduct files are maintained and controlled by the Student Life Office. In order to protect the privacy of these records, and in order to reduce opportunities for harassment and/or retaliation, the Student Life Office will not generally share or provide copies of these files unless requested through a court order. While students may request to review their file, in part or in full, at any time in which the College is in operation, students will not receive a copy of their file unless the Vice President of Student Life/ Dean of Students or their designee finds that there are no reasonable alternatives for that student to review the file. Files will not be provided to a student's support person without the presence and authorization of the student. Individuals may not record, copy, or photograph any records contained within a student conduct file.

The Vice President of Student Life/ Dean of Students, and/or their designee may expunge student conduct records upon receipt of a written request by the student but this request is not a guarantee. The records of students who have been suspended, dismissed, or any open sanction will not be eligible for expungement. Factors to be considered in the review of such petitions shall include:

  • The student's level of understanding of their behavior and its impact;
  • The conduct of the student subsequent to the violation; and
  • The nature of the violation and severity of the impact of the behavior.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 11/27/2023