European Studies

Applicable for the 2024-2025 academic year.

C.Ruiz (Spanish and Portuguese); C.Steckenbiller (German Studies, CGJIR); T.Ragan (History)


The minor in European Studies complements established regional and thematic tracks such as Asian Studies, Latin American Studies, or Russian and Eurasian Studies, and provide students with an opportunity to study a specific context from an interdisciplinary and critical perspective. Many disciplines, departments, and programs at Colorado College focus directly or indirectly on questions concerned with Europe in national, transnational, or comparative contexts. The minor forges new connections between these disciplines, departments, individual faculty members, and students, allowing students to create a personal course of study focused on European issues. In so doing, it provides a platform to share ideas and resources, to collaborate, and to critically interrogate Europe in new and innovative ways.

Minor Requirements

Minimum of 5 units

Students will work with their minor academic advisor to select courses intentionally and strategically as they align with their interests. Students are also encouraged to seek out study abroad opportunities at and beyond CC to fulfill requirements for the minor.

Keystone Course (1 unit):

GS232 Unraveling Europe

This course can be taken at any point in one’s studies and will be taught at least once a year.

Elective Courses (4 units):

Four courses that focus on Europe, one of which must be comparative or transnational in nature. These courses must be from at least two different departments or programs, and not more than one may come from the student’s major department.

These courses are frequently offered at the college. See list of representative courses and contributing faculty members below.


Completion of the third block (or the equivalent) at Colorado College of a language historically or commonly spoken in Europe other than English. Those languages include Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Students may petition to substitute another language if more relevant to their course of study.

The Integrative Experience (not taken for academic credit):

This capstone experience provides students with the opportunity to critically examine a topic that has captured their interest over the course of their study in the minor. Working under the guidance of their minor academic advisor, these capstones may take different forms. Students may write an interdisciplinary and critical paper (8-10 pages), or they may choose to create a digital liberal arts project. They may present a creative arts project, a documentary film, an original music composition, a choreographed dance, or any other discipline-specific project, which should be accompanied by a short essay in which they contextualize and reflect critically on their work. Presentations of capstones for the minor will take place annually.

List of Representative Courses

Below please find a list of some of the regularly taught courses in European Studies. Although some topics courses that focus on Europe appear on this list, others will be evaluated on an ad hoc basis.

  • AH115: The Western Tradition from Ancient to Early Renaissance (we have a global alternative)
  • AH116: The Western Tradition from High Renaissance to Modern Times (we have a global alternative)
  • AH120: Global Architecture I: Pyramids to Cathedrals 3000 BCE-1400 CE
  • AH121: Global Architecture II: Renaissance to the 21st Century
  • AH207: Greece & Rome
  • AH208: Byzantine Art
  • AH209: Late Antiquity: Imperial Rome, Mystery Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  • AH221: Art of the Renaissance
  • AH223: 16th Century Art of Europe
  • AH231: The Age of the Baroque: Art and Empire of the 17th Century
  • AH232: Art of the Dutch Republic
  • AH241: Art and Revolution: Europe in the Nineteenth Century
  • AH243: The Birth of Modernism
  • AH275: Art in Context: Art and Revolution: Paris in the Nineteenth Century
  • AH275: Paris on a Precipice: Early Twentieth Century Challenges in Art and History
  • AH342: Turn of the Century Art in London, Paris and Vienna
  • CL216: History of the Roman Republic
  • CL219: Greek Drama
  • CL221: Invention of History
  • CL226: Roman History: Literature and Culture of the Augustan Age
  • CL236: History of the Roman Empire
  • CL250: History of Classical Greece
Comparative Literature
  • CO120: Literature, Power, and Identities: Marginalized Identities
  • CO121: Literature, Place, and the World
  • CO130: Literature and Contemporary Issues
  • CO131: Literature, Texts, and Media: Romantic Encounters
  • CO200: Landscape, Monuments, and Myth
  • CO220: The World of Odysseus: History & Myth
  • CO300: Topics in Comparative Literature: Samuel Beckett
  • CO300: Topics in Comparative Literature: Vladimir Nabokov

Economics and Business

  • EC255: The Economics of Climate Change
  • EC385: The Industrial Revolution in Britain


  • EN205: Study of a Genre: Satire
  • EN225: Introduction to Shakespeare
  • EN280: Afropean Women Writers
  • EN329: Milton
  • EN302: History of the English Language
  • EN311: Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
  • EN312: The Other Chaucer
  • EN313: Dante’s Divine Comedy
  • EN321: Renaissance Poetry
  • EN326: Studies in Shakespeare
  • EN328: Renaissance Drama
  • EN352: 18th-Century British Fiction
  • EN360: Gender and the Gothic
  • EN362: British Romantic Fiction
  • EN365: British Romantic Poets
  • EN385: Black Writers in Paris 1900-1960
  • EN405: Shakespeare in London

Feminist and Gender Studies

  • FG214: Hidden Spaces, Hidden Narratives: Intersectionality Studies in Berlin

Film and Media Studies

  • FM200: Global Queer Cinema


  • FR310: Literature & Film
  • FR316: Topics in French Culture
  • FR319: Topics in French Culture
  • FR329: Paris & the Arts


  • GR220/320: Multiethnic Germany
  • GR220/320: Turkish German Cinema
  • GR220/320: Italian and German Culture through Film
  • GR220/320: Green Germany
  • GR220/320: Berlin in Film
  • GR220/320: Fascist Modernism
  • GR220/320: Prisons and Prisoners
  • GR220/320: Representing the Holocaust
  • GR220/320: Romanticism in Music
  • GR220/320: Journey to the Dark Side of the Psyche


  • HY110: Africa and the Second World War
  • HY110: Encountering the Past: Sorcery, Magic, and Devilry: The History of Witchcraft
  • HY110: Encountering the Past: Roundheads, Regicide, and Reaction during the English Civil Wars, 1625-60
  • HY110: The French Revolution
  • HY110: Revolutions in Writing
  • HY110: The Animal-Human Boundary
  • HY111: Berlin, Capital of the Twentieth Century
  • HY200: The Age of Romance: Music and History in the 19th Century
  • HY200: Paris on a Precipice: Early Twentieth Century Challenges in Art and History
  • HY202: Fascism and Its Afterlives in Europe
  • HY204: Dreamworlds and Nightmares in the Soviet Union
  • HY224: Mass Culture, Counterculture, Avant-Garde
  • HY274: The Medieval Imaginary
  • HY276: Renaissance and Reformation
  • HY277: Europe in an Age of Absolutism
  • HY287: Enlightenment Culture
  • HY302: Crusades
  • HY307: History of Sex: Traditions
  • HY324: Haunted Landscapes: History, Memory, and the Built Environment


  • IT320: The Rise of Fascisms: History, Theory, Representations
  • IT320: Black Italian Cinema and Digital Performance
  • IT320: Come to Hell: Dante and Our World
  • IT320: New Italian Cinema
  • IT320: Italian Mafia Movies
  • IT320: Italian Neorealist Cinema
  • IT320: Italian and German Culture through Film
  • IT320: Love & Anarchy: Romance, Sex, and Politics in Italian Cinema
  • IT304-305: Gli Italiani e gli Altri: Fra Romanzo, Saggio, Musica e Poesia
  • IT304-305: Lingue, Arti, Culture e Tradizioni in Italy


  • MU227: Romanticism in Music
  • MU228: The Age of Romance: Music and History in the 19th Century
  • MU283: Mozart and His Age
  • MU284: Beethoven
  • MU286: Romantic and Early Modernist Eras
  • MU398: In the Footsteps of J. S. Bach


  • PH101: Greek Philosophy
  • PH203: Topics – History of Modern European Philosophy: Descartes to Kant
  • PH203: Topics – History of Modern European Philosophy: Romanticism to Nihilism
  • PH203: Enlightenment and Its Discontents
  • PH205: French Philosophy in Context: 1930 to the Present
  • PH210: Ancient to Early Modern Western Philosophy
  • PH245: History of Social and Political Philosophy: Modern Debates
  • PH260: Existential Philosophy
  • PH265: Sigmund Freud
  • PH302: History of 20th Century Continental Philosophy
  • PH342: Critical Theory

Political Science

  • PS102: Freedom and Empire: The Drama of Ancient Politics
  • PS220: Socrates
  • PS290: Introduction to Political Philosophy
  • PS308: Comparative Politics: Russia
  • PS310: Comparative Politics of Central Europe
  • PS312: Balkan Politics
  • PS344: Realism and Idealism in Political Philosophy
  • PS348: Conduct of Russian Foreign Policy


  • RE110: Bible: Myth and History
  • RE206: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Traditions
  • RE213: Apocalypse


  • RS200: Chekhov: Inventing the Modern Short Story
  • RS210: Topics: Russian Woman: The Search for Identity in film, 1930s to present
  • RU255: Russian History in Russian Literature I
  • RU256: Russian History in Russian Literature II
  • RU350: Tolstoy in Translation
  • RU351: Dostoevsky in Translation


  • SO270: Contemporary French Society


  • SP360: Studies of Periodization: Don Quixote: A Journey through Cervantes’s World
  • SP370: Genre Studies: Contemporary Spanish Film
  • SP316: Monstrous Bodies in Spanish Baroque Cultural Productions
  • SP316: The Other in Spanish Mass Culture Productions: From Baroque Theater to Contemporary Film
  • SP316: Cultures of Spain
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/23/2024