PS344 - What is Justice?

If we claim the mantle of change on behalf of social justice, we would be irresponsible to do so without first asking ourselves: what is justice and why do we care about it? Through careful reflection on what are widely acknowledged to be some of the most radical and thought-provoking philosophical works on the question of justice, we will seek to develop: a rigorous and critical understanding of what we mean by this word; careful reflection on the true character of our aspirations to justice; and a more precise assessment of the degree to which our aspirations can be made effectual, and of what would be necessary to make our hopes for a truly just society come to be. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: AIM

1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2024 Block 3 What is Justice? Eve Grace Palmer Hall 13 25 / 21 02/11/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/11/2025