Student Research in OBE

Thesis Presentations

Class of 2020 Senior Thesis Research

Maternal Floral Color, UV Protection, and Germination in Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae) Charlotte DiBiase

Are Detoxification Gene Mutations Associated With Insecticide Resistance in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes? India Hilty

Community Phylogenetics of Lichens in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of Colorado Piper Boudart

Finding the Best Injury Risk Assessment for the Lower Extremities Antonio Calderon

Metabolism of the Spring Field Cricket Gryllus veletis During Freezing, Thawing and Recovery Julian Moulton

Molecular phylogenetics and molecular dating of Chilean Puya (Bromeliaceae) Emma Stonesmyth

Life history and physiology of iteroparous reproduction in Neoregelia tigrina (Bromeliaceae) Emma Fetterly

Primary Feather Molt Patterns in Flammulated Owls (Psiloscops flammeolus) of the Pikes Peak Region Olivia Noonan

Poster Presentations

Cotyledon stomatal density differentiation and quantitative genetic analysis of seedling traits in Impatiens capensis ecotypes Alex Shapiro '20, Lina Farias '22, Professor Shane Heschel, Professor Ron Hathaway

Impacts of Nest Habitat Quality on Flammulated Owl (Psiloscops flammeolus) Reproductive Success in the Pikes Peak Region Adam Mahler '20, Professor Brian Linkhart

Disease-driven dynamics of evolutionary rescue from a game theoretic perspective Ana Kilgore '21

Characteristics of Stopover Sites in the Neotropical Migrant, the Flammulated Owl (Psiloscops flammeolus) Sarah Lloyd '21, Matthew Luzincourt '21, Kyle Cadwallader '21, Professor Brian Linkhart

Diel Variation in Coral and Algal Respiration and Photosynthesis Charlie Schneider '20

The Effect of Experimental Warming on Plant-Pollinator Relationships in the Low Arctic John Feigelson '19, Professor Roxaneh Khorsand



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