
OBE Course Schedule 2024-2025

Download the 2024 - 2025 OBE course schedule

See the OBE section of the course catalog for a summary of regular course offerings (please note: this information will be updated throughout the year).

Organismal Biology & Ecology Course Schedule 2024-25 Fall
Block 1

8/26 - 9/18

Block 2

9/23 - 10/16

Block 3

10/21 - 11/13

Block 4

11/18 - 12/18

Dr. Gamboa

BE 208 (Ecology)

Olin 482

BE 309/409


BE 106 (Biology of Animals)

Olin 482

Dr. Hathaway

BE 344 (Scanning Electron Microscopy)

Barnes 108

Dr. Heschel

CC 120 (Plants and People WI)

Barnes 116

BE 105 (Biology of Plants)

Barnes 413

BE 309/409
Dr. Jabaily
BE 309/409

BE 380 (Evolution)

Barnes 413


BE 440/AN 330 (Evolutionary Medicine)

Barnes 405

Dr. Khorsand

BE 208 (Ecology)

Barnes 413


BE 220 (Biostatistics and Experimental Design)

Olin 158

Release Block

Dr. Linkhart

BE 367 (Animal Ecology)

Olin 158


Release Block


Dr. Peña

BE 309/409

BE 440 (Mycology)

Olin 482


BE 107 (Biology of Microbes)

Barnes 413

Dr. McGinn


BE 106 (Biology of Animals)

Olin 482

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/20/2024