Priority: Our Distinctive Place

The campaign is focusing on raising funds that support our distinctive place of learning by supporting an engaged, globally-connected academic community that embodies our regional and historical identity. Creating spaces like the recently completed Ahlberg Gear House, building a new on-campus hockey arena, and pursuing a campus master plan that incorporates sustainable elements, such as net-zero energy construction, are some of the ways that the college is building on originality. Our distinctive place is further underscored by another campaign priority, the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College.

During President Tiefenthaler's Year of Listening, members of the campus community spoke about the importance of using the undergraduate experience to instill lifelong habits of environmental conservation and stewardship. From the moment they step on campus, students should know that they have entered a dynamic intellectual community, one with a global outlook and a strong liberal arts tradition, and one that takes into account our unique place in the West.


Contact Preston Briggs at or (719) 389-6785 to discuss giving opportunities.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/26/2023
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