About Us

The Chaplain's Office fosters the life of the spirit by inviting authentic spiritual exploration and meaningful religious commitment. Supporting the human quest for identity and belonging, we cultivate an education of the heart to enrich the life of the mind at CC.

Mission Statement

The Chaplain's Office at Colorado College strives to:

  • Provide pastoral and spiritual care for all members of the Colorado College Community;
  • Engage in spiritual, contemplative, meditative, and embodied practices and rituals;
  • Explore religious literacy, spiritual and interfaith engagement;
  • Meet specific and diverse spiritual and religious needs of our pluralistic campus;
  • Cultivate reflection and pause; explore wonder, awe, mystery, and joy; connect to sense of purpose and meaning.

Contact the Chaplain's Office

1010 N. Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 389-6638

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/15/2021