Jobs & Internships

When starting your senior job search, please consult with the Colorado College Career Center to access additional resources for finding job opportunities and learn how to best prepare for your job search, particularly your resume and the interview process.

Contact Shannon Gelbman to obtain login information to read special employment options from ECO (environmental career opportunities online) and to see results from the 2015 Alumni Survey for more information about employment opportunities from within the CC network.

A wonderful resource for EV students starting their career search is the Green Careers Resource Guide, which describes the many job opportunities in Environmental Science and Policy.

Please view the Jobs/Internships posting board on the first floor of the Tutt Science Building in addition to the links below. 

Job Search Resources:

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy home page. Just click on their "index" icon and then on "job opportunities." From there they have a well-organized list of job subjects (science and stewardship, international, fundraising, etc.) each with many individual job opportunities listed. Overall a pretty useful page, not to mention cool looking

NSF: Research Experiences for Undergraduates

National Science Foundation page with a listing of all of their Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs. These include chemistry, geology, biology, atmospheric studies, physics, and much more. These are all summer programs that allow students to work on research projects with graduate students, university faculty, and post-docs.

Cyber Sierra's Natural Resources Job Search

This is Cyber-Sierra's job and internship page. It has links to resources assistants, Society for Conservation Biology, Intern-Net, Minority Information Service, Internships and Fieldwork, and many more services. The site is very well organized and one of the more useful ones out there.

Sustainable Business Network Resources

This is the Sustainable Business Network's Internships and Fellowships page. It has individual, current internships from all over on it, complete with job descriptions and contacts.

Student Conservation Association

Want to monitor sea turtle nests on Florida beaches? How about develop a social media strategy for a sprawling wilderness preserve in remote Alaska? SCA Conservation Internships come in a wild range of focuses. What do they all have in common? You’ll work directly with experienced professionals, develop tangible skills, and make substantial contributions toward saving the planet. You can apply up to 18 positions after filling out the necessary application materials.

Green Jobs Network

Employers in sustainability and environmental fields post positions from all over the country. You can search by category (e.g. climate change, LEED, Naturalist, etc.) and by location. The website's mission is to "empower people seeking careers in sustainability and environmental responsibility to find jobs, career resources, and build their professional network."

Environmental Career Opportunities

This subscription-based organization provides several job postings on its website within a wide range of categories. It publishes a bi-weekly newsletter with over 500 jobs listed that is available in the ERC room.


This website boasts not only a fairly comprehensive job list but also other job resources such as a bookstore and a career conference calendar. They advertise a "job searchable board" coming to the website in early March. Jobs listed are mostly professional but cover all environmental fields. The organization also sponsors a "National Environmental Employment Report" with a paid subscription published every month.

Nature Jobs

This website offers complete job services from posting resumes to saving job searches all for free. The jobs are searchable by a keyword and location and category of job, however, there is a very wide range of jobs all in the natural sciences field. There is an environmental science category.

Texas A&M Natural Resources Job Board

View this Texas A&M job board to find jobs in variouse environmental studies and science related fields around the country. Open positions include Temporary/Seasonal Positions, Full-time Positions, Internships, Graduate Assistantships, Volunteer Openings, Faculty Appointments, Post Doctoral Appointments, Fellowships & Scholarships, GIS & Computing, Part-Time Vacancies, Student Employment at A&M, Undergraduate Assistantships, Training, and Grants.


This organization lists mostly professional jobs in many different natural science fields including, but not limited to geology, remote sensing, biology, and environmental science. Also offers a free resume posting. (Action Without Borders)

This website is a clearinghouse for all non-profit organizations. It has a very comprehensive, worldwide, and detailed search engine for organizations, jobs, volunteer opportunities, events, internships, career fairs, and resources in the non-profit field.


This website has resources for a wide array of environmental issues, including descriptions of organizations.

Colorado Conservation Jobs

This website lists environmental and conservation job opportunities specific to Colorado. You can search by category, and get on their email list to learn about new opportunities as they arise.


This website holds many seasonal positions in environmental studies and sciences with the National Park Service, Fish and Wildife Service, Forest Service, USGS etc. Look up key words such as biology, archeology, cartography, ranger (Park, wilderness, interperative, climbing), hydrology, wildlife, botany/plants, or visitor services as a start. You can filter by agency, professiona level, student, recent grad etc. Applications can be tricky so we recommend you do some research on how to successfully apply through USAJOBS. It can be a great way to get your foot in the door with federal experience and make regional connections!


Report an issue - Last updated: 01/12/2023