ITS Division Severe Weather Policy Addendum

These are additional guidelines specifically for ITS staff as an addendum to the official all-college Severe Weather Policy.

Limited Service Operations

Since the college is still open and running during limited service operations, ITS Services are considered essential. However, some can be reasonably provided without a physical presence on campus, while others cannot.

If your physical presence IS essential for your regular job (e.g. walk-ins at the Solutions Center, fixing problems in a smart classroom, setting up for an event)

  • You are expected to physically report to work at your normal start time, even in a delayed start situation.
  • Consider your safety first. If you do not feel it is safe for you to come in, communicate that to your team and supervisor.
  • If you do not come in (or you come in late), mark the time on your timesheet or leave calendar as vacation or personal hours.

If your physical presence is NOT essential for your regular job (e.g. systems administration work, programming, cybersecurity threats)

  • You are not expected to physically report to work as normal. Instead, you may choose to work from home.
  • Follow the delayed start or limited operations for the whole day message sent to all of campus.
  • If you do not come in, mark the day on your timesheet or leave calendar as a regular work day, unless you had already planned on it being a vacation / personal day or you already called in sick.

If you are unclear about which category your job belongs in, please check with your immediate supervisor. It's better to have a mutual understanding of expectations prior to severe weather event.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/07/2021