The Professional Development subcommittee will develop extensive and comprehensive on-boarding processes for committee members, including print and audiovisual textual analysis, workshops, system orientation, and other exercises that ensure committee cohesiveness and support subcommittee work. The subcommittee will also assess existing Campus Safety training and professional development tools and develop and approve new tools based on research in all relevant areas, paying particular attention to trauma-informed care, antiracism, and mental health. The subcommittee will also ensure the content and dates of Campus Safety trainings are publicly available and sufficiently publicized on and off-campus. Subcommittee members will also participate on Campus Resource Officer search committees.
Members: Dr. Heidi R. Lewis (Committee Chair), Rosalie Rodriguez (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Leadership Team Representative), and Edwin Toshio Hamada (Assistant Vice President for the Residential Experience)
The Data & Documentation subcommittee will utilize results from the Liberal Arts Colleges Racial Equity Leadership Alliance (LACRELA) campus climate survey, the Healthy Minds Survey, fire and safety reports, bias incidence logs, Cleary data, and other relevant data and documentation to identify patterns and inform recommendations to the President regarding campus climate and resources related to public safety, paying particular attention to policing equity, mental health and well-being, and sexual violence prevention. Please note recommendations will be communicated to the President through the CSOC chair, who may be accompanied by the Data & Documentation subcommittee chair.
Members: Rochelle T. Dickey (Dean of Students & Vice President for Student Life), Molly Hadley (Assistant Director of Student Health and Well-Being), and Mary Duggan (Student Representative)
The Communications subcommittee will research, determine, and implement best practices for addressing complaints regarding inequity or discrimination related to Campus Safety practices. The subcommittee will also provide regular updates to the campus and local communities via digital and print communique and also inviting community members to voice their concerns during open forums that will be recorded and archived for transparency. The CSOC chair will attend open forums.
Members: Cathy Buckley (Director of Campus Safety and Emergency Management), Steve Lawson (Staff Representative), and Dutch Schultz (Community Representative)
The Public Safety Think Tank Development subcommittee will conduct research, host focus groups, and implement other methodologies to aid in the formation of a Public Safety Think Thank in collaboration with Colorado College students, staff, and faculty, members of the Colorado College community, and any other relevant activists, scholars, artists, and/or non-profit professionals appointed by the subcommittee chair and/or selected via application processes determined by the subcommittee.
Members: Dr. Santiago Guerra (Faculty Representative), Atquetzali Quiroz (Student Representative), and Lani Aragon (Student Representative)