Emergency Preparedness, Procedures & Evacuations
Students, staff, faculty, and guests of the college must follow this protocol immediately upon sounding of any building emergency alarm, campus emergency notification/communication, or direction from a college official. Failure will result in appropriate disciplinary action. For more complete information about emergency preparedness at Colorado College, you can access the following Web site: https://www.coloradocollege.edu/preparedness/
General Practices for all Individuals
- Participate in the all-building fire and emergency drills
- Study and remember important locations in each building you enter: exits, stairways, phones, and elevators. Identify two routes out of each building, excluding the elevator.
- Carry emergency health information and emergency contacts with you at all times.
- Carry a cell phone preprogrammed with the campus security emergency number (719-389-6911).
- If you need to work in isolated areas after hours, determine telephone availability. If none is available, notify campus security of your location in advance, giving the building, floor, room, and time.
Additional Practices for People with Disabilities
- Participate to the greatest extent possible in all building fire and emergency drills
- Ask several reliable people in your classes and residence halls to assist you in case of emergency and instruct them in the best way to do so.
- Be prepared to give instructions to those assisting you in an emergency regarding your needs, such as: "I can manage steps independently. Carry my other crutch and walk in front of me."
When a fire or other evacuation alarm sounds, every person must follow these procedures:
- Take your keys and CC ID card with you. Take personal items (your backpack, briefcase, purse, etc.), if you have time to do so.
- Carefully and calmly exit via the closest fire exit route. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
- If you notice that individuals cannot negotiate the exit, move them laterally away from any obvious danger to a marked refuge area, if one is available. Persons with disabilities, such as those who cannot walk or be assisted down the stairs, may elect to remain in the building.
- Check each door for heat or hazard prior to opening. If your door feels hot or the exit path is hazardous, remain in the building.
- If there is a designated fire exit through your window, use it.
- Leave room door closed.
- Report the status and location of anyone remaining in the building to campus responders (security) and public officials (police, fire). Repeat this message often.
- Stay together at a safe distance (50-100 yards, upwind) from the building until campus security indicates you can return to the building. Anyone who remains in the building, whether because of disability or the exit path is hazardous, must:
- Close the room door(s);
- Put cloth at the bottom of the door;
- Call 911 (9-911 from a campus phone), stay on the line, and indicate your location; and
- Try to be noticeable without opening windows or doors.
Alarm Procedures
When a shelter-in-place alarm sounds or direction from a college official is given to take shelter in the current location, every person must follow these procedures:
- Close windows and doors.
- Open blinds.
- Turn on lights.
- Stay away from windows and exterior doors.
- If there is a medical emergency, alert public safety personnel.
- Await public safety personnel instruction regarding building evacuation.
- Carefully, calmly exit via route designated by public safety personnel. Leave room door closed.
- Report any symptoms of chemical exposure (mucous membrane irritation, e.g.) to public safety officials.