Where to Start
GY Majors fair video with clips from Geology students (video made by Sarah Schanz).
Why Major in Geology?
- Noblett-Witter Family Fund allows students to get internships from Florida, Alaska, to right here in Denver.
- Research with faculty under a large variety of Earth science subjects.
- The department provides the opportunity to go to conferences to present your research.
- Classes travel to all parts of the Southwest and beyond to visit geologic sites, museums, and Earth science labs.
- CC Geology Alumni form a network that can be useful after graduating - Notable Alumni are highlighted each year in the annual geology Precambrian Basement Newsletter.
- The smaller number of students in the department, the once-per-year schedule of major courses, and frequent use of field trips lead to students in the major forming close bonds.
- Individuals with historically excluded identities meet every other Block for Geology S.O.U.P. Nights (Social Outings for Underrepresented Persons of Geology).
- Geology majors at least 21 years of age are invited to Geology Pub Nights at local spots around town every other Block.
- The department hosts two social cookouts a year following the start-of-year Majors' Meeting and end-of-year Geology Department Research Symposium (i.e., Geo Day).
- The department sends off graduating seniors and their families with a reception each year.
- The department hosts a gathering each year at both the AGU and GSA annual meetings for Geology alumni and active students to meet and network.
Geoscience Careers
Figure published by American Geoscience Institute (AGI) outlining potential career paths for students who graduate with an Earth science degree. Illustrated by Kathleen Cantner. Content by Heather Houlton and Abigail Seadler.
Flowchart published by American Geoscience Institute (AGI) that connects the study field of recent Earth science graduates to the industry of their first job. Created by M. Krzywinski (2009).
Click here to jump to Post Graduation Resources!
How Do I Start the Major?
Major Requirements PDF (v.2022)
Link to CC Registrar Major Requirements page.
Course Flow Chart:
(Link to a larger printable version.)
Recommended Timeline
- 1st/2nd year
- Take an Intro block (GY140 or GY150)!
- Get started on the Natural Science Breadth courses.
- Maybe take a 200-level geology course.
- 2nd year
- Take GY211 and/or GY212.
- Start to take 300-level courses.
- 3rd year
- Continue taking 300-level courses.
- Start planning capstone research.
- 4th year
- Finish 300-level courses.
- Complete capstone research project (including GY400 or GY405).
- Present at Geo Day.
Click here to jump to the Course Sequence page!
Suggested Specializations
- Surface Geology: GY305, GY315, GY320, GY335
- Subsurface Geology: GY305, GY310, GY315, GY360
- Physical Geology: GY305, GY315, GY320, + one
- Geochemistry: GY310, GY335, GY360, + one
Click here to jump to the Courses page!

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Last updated: 04/04/2024