Research Compliance

In order meet the highest ethical standards and be good stewards of federal funding, the College strives to meet or exceed all research compliance standards. The following policies, procedures, assurances and compliance committees support a strong research environment at the College.


Procedures and Guidelines

  • Cost Transfers in Grants - As a rule, cost transfers (or journal entries) in grants should rarely happen. However, when necessary, please follow these guidelines.
  • Debarment Statement and Instructions These procedures help ensure that we don't pass federal funding to individuals or vendors who have been "excluded" by the federal government from being eligible to received funding.
  • Effort Certification Procedures These procedures help us document the time that faculty or staff spend on federally funded projects, in essence creating a receipt for these services.
  • Export Control Guidelines These guidelines summarize federal export laws and regulations that seek to protect information and technology from disclosure by educational institutions, the release of which could hamper U.S. economic vitality or contribute to the military potential of the U.S.'s international adversaries.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research Plan This plan outlines how Colorado College students paid by federal grants will engage in training on the responsible conduct of research, as required by federal funders.
  • Procedures regarding NSF's Sexual Harassment Term and Condition, These procedures outline how Colorado College will remain in compliance with the National Science Foundation's term and condition entitled "Notification Requirements Regarding Findings of Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment, and Sexual Assault."


Colorado College, through its institutional endorsement of outgoing proposals to funding agencies, provides a number of assurances that we are in compliance with the expectations of the federal government.

Research Compliance Committees

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) All research on human subjects conducted by Colorado College faculty, students, and staff, whether at Colorado College or at other institutions and research sites, must be approved or exempted by the Colorado College IRB in order to constitute legal and ethical research.
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) All research, teaching or other educational activities involving vertebrates conducted by Colorado College faculty, students, and staff must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC to ensure their humane treatment and judicious and safe use, in accord with the standards set out by the NIH and US Department of Agriculture.

A-Z List of Research Compliance Considerations

Colorado College expresses its gratitude to the University of Chicago for providing our model for this page.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020