Reinforce Liberal Learning

  1. Action group: Promoting interdisciplinary inquiry and expanding two-block options.

    A four-year, question-driven, interdisciplinary liberal learning program (FYP, synergy blocks/semester, liberal learning capstone) as an option for students.

    Liberal arts senior capstone.

    Calendar options: 1) set aside two blocks for 2-block configurations of all types; 2) 3 blocks-winter break--long block—spring break--3 blocks; 3) hybrid system of 2 separate blocks + 2 concurrent blocks each semester.

    Co-chairs: Neena Grover and Lily Byrne
    Members: Maria Sanchez, Wade Noelke, Adam Light, and Sara Hanson

  2. Action group: Experiential Learning.

    Give students at least one internship, block abroad, or faculty-student research collaborative.

    Group #1: structure
        Group #2: process

    Group #1: Allen Bertsche, Jim Burke, Megan Nicklaus (convener), Lisa Schwartz
    Group#2: Megan Nicklaus (convener), Jim Burke, Allen Bertsche, Lisa Schwartz, Ella Reese-Clausen, Pam Reaves, and Matt Cooney

  3. Working groups: Knowledge Portfolios.

    Examine ways to encourage (mandate?) students to reflect on how their learning inside and outside the classroom shapes them as individuals and citizens.

    Group: Susan Ashley (chair), Marion Hourdequin, Andrea Culp, Jacob McDougall, Jennifer Golightly, Dustin Fife, Peony Fhagen, and Andrea Bruder

  4. Curriculum Executive Committee.

    Find ways to reduce requirements in the context of a review of Gen Ed with the goal of increasing space for interdisciplinary learning & student agency.

    Evaluate options for expanding two-block opportunities.

  5. Dean of the Faculty, departments and programs, faculty

    Develop two-block and theme-centered synergy semesters and interdisciplinary, project based liberal learning capstones. Dean’s Office course development grants. Dean’s Office support for at least 5 senior liberal learning capstones.

    Dean’s Office works with chairs and directors to incorporate world readiness learning and high impact practices in the major.

    Dean’s Office and other relevant offices develop a career readiness program for sophomores.
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/19/2024