Current & Upcoming Events

2024-25 Academic Year

Information about the 24-25 academic year events will be coming soon!



2023-24 Academic Year

Block 1 - Opening Convocation

Block 2 - 150 Years: An Occasion to Build a New Future? 

Recorded Monday, Sept. 25 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Kathryn Mohrman Theatre. "150 Years: An Occasion to Build a New Future?" with panelists Susan Ashley, Mike Taber, and Lily Byrne ’24, moderated by Neena Grover, Professor, RNA Biochemist, Chemistry & Biochemistry.

Block 3 - Faculty Symposium: Research on Mental Health at CC

A discussion around mental health and wellness at CC. Kristi Erdal, Professor of Psychology, and Chantal Figueroa, Assistant Professor of Sociology, discussed their own research on the mental health of the CC community. Much of their research was conducted by CC students about students, the community, and the college’s response to mental health issues.

Block 4 - Defending Democracy Through Social Movements!

Join us Monday, Nov. 27, from 3:30-5 p.m. in Bemis Hall for a fascinating First Monday presentation from Srdja Popovic, Distinguished Visiting Instructor in Political Science, Defending Democracy Through Social Movements!

From brutal autocracies, like those in Iran and Burma, to “established” democracies, like Hungary or Poland, values and institutions of democracy are in peril all over the world. Historic cases and contemporary dynamics clearly point out that the most successful way to defend it is through mass social non-violent movements.


Block 5 - Faculty Symposium - Dive into the Wisdom of Our Faculty Experts

For the Block 5 Faculty Symposium, we invite you to "Dive into the Wisdom of Our Faculty Experts" and listen to three Colorado College professors present their research on environmental education, French literature, and inclusive everyday learning and living. Each presenter will share for 25 minutes and leave five minutes for Q&A. This is an opportunity to hear from CC's diverse and vibrant community, understand the world and grow.

Juan-Miguel AriasJuan-Miguel Arias, Assistant Professor, Education Department, will present, "Transformative Possibility in Environmental Education." Juan will discuss his work on transformative possibility in environmental education, including a recent study on experiential courses and their influence on pro-environmental motivations. He will also share work on collaborative programming at CC and will seek input from our community on possibilities for interconnected environmental learning.

Varsha KoushikVarsha Koushik, Assistant Professor, Math & Computer Science Department, will present, "Inclusive Everyday Learning and Living". People with disabilities face numerous challenges every day due to the lack of inclusive assistive technologies. Varsha's research focuses on creating customizable user interfaces that support everyday activities. Specifically, Varsha and her students focused on two projects this summer: 1) creating contextualized communication devices for nonverbal individuals and 2) collaborative audio games for shared elementary math learning. 

Alistaire TallentAlistaire Tallent, Associate Professor of French, will present, "Fictions of Pleasure: The Putain Memoirs of Prerevolutionary France". Out of the libertine literary tradition of eighteenth-century France emerged over a dozen memoir novels of female libertines who eagerly take up sex work. Tallent will present her argument—that these novels helped undermine the patriarchal hierarchies of the Ancien Régime and proposed a social model where women form networks of mutual support to achieve wealth and personal satisfaction.

Block 6 - Artificial Intelligence: Where are we, where are we going, and what does it all mean?

Join Professors Blake Jackson, Ben Nye, and Cory Scott from the Computer Science Department on Monday, Feb. 19 from 3:30-5 p.m. in Gates Commons as they outline the history and context of machine intelligence, fundamentals of how these systems work, what's happening at the cutting edge, and how we can strike a balance between powerful technology and social benefit. You can read more about the event details and the presenters here.

Block 7 - Faculty Symposium

Two CC faculty members share their research in the fields of organismal biology and ecology and molecular biology.

Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology Meredith Course presents “A Cryptic Code in Alzheimer Disease.” In her team’s work to unravel the complex causes of Alzheimer disease, they discovered a novel, cryptic exon that is specifically expressed in individuals with the disease. 

Assistant Professor of Organismal Biology and Ecology Roxaneh Khorsand presents, “It’s Getting Hot Up There! The effects of experimental warming on Arctic plant-pollinator interactions and floral rewards.” Dr. Khorsand’s talk synthesizes the work CC students have done to quantify the effects of short- and long-term warming on flowering patterns, pollination, floral rewards, and plant reproductive success in northern Alaska.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/25/2024