Smudging & Pipe Ceremonies


In support of the cultural integrity of our Indigenous/Native American students, faculty, staff, and guests, and in accordance with the 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act, Colorado College has developed this Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies Policy. The smudging and pipe ceremonies described in this policy are the only exceptions to Colorado College smoking, tobacco, and fire regulation policies. The practice of smudging and pipe ceremonies are protected under Colorado College’s Anti-Discrimination Policies and Procedures.

Ceremonial Use Notification Form

Indigenous/Native American students, staff, faculty, and guests who wish to engage in smudging and/or pipe ceremonies are welcome to participate in this spiritual practice at CC. We ask that those individuals who wish to do so please complete and submit a Ceremonial Use Notification Form. An online submission process is in development; in the meantime, please fill out and submit this form to your RLC via email.

What is Smudging?

Smudging is an ancient ceremony where smoke from burning prairie sage, white sage, sweetgrass, cedar, or other medicinal plant is used to cleanse and purify a person, the air, and space.

Who can smudge?

Indigenous and Native American students, staff, faculty, and guests who fill out the Ceremonial Use Notification Form may smudge in their dorm room, office, or any outside area.  When there are Smudge Circles for the campus, everyone is invited to participate.

Report an issue - Last updated: 09/20/2023