Cultural Teachings

Mitakuye Oyasin

  • Mitakuye Oyasin – A phrase from the Lakota/Dakota language. It reflects the world view of interconnectedness held by the Lakota/Dakota people of North America. The phrase translates in English as "all my relatives," "we are all related," or "all my relations." It means a connection to all forms of life, including other people, animals, birds, plants, air, water, and other elements of nature.

Seven Dakota/Lakota Virtues

  • Seven Dakota/Lakota Virtues
    • Prayer – Woc’ekiya: Finding spirituality by communicating with your higher power, this is communication between you and Tunkasila without going through another person or spirit.
    • Respect – Wa o’hola: For self, higher power, family, community, and all of life.
    • Caring & Compassion – Wa on’sila: Love, caring, and concern for one another in a good way, especially for family, elders, youth, mourners, and the sick.
    • Honesty & Truth – Wowijke: With yourself, higher power, and others.
    • Generosity – Wawokiye: Helping without expecting anything in return.
    • Humility – Wah’wala: We are not better or less than others.
    • Wisdom – Woksape: Practice with knowledge comes wisdom.

Seven Values of Lakota Life - SGU Virtual Center for Teaching Excellence (

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