Native American & Indigenous Student Union
NASU – Native American/Indigenous Student Union
Established in the Fall of 1977, the Native American Student Union has brought awareness of Indigenous identities to Colorado College and Colorado Springs. NASU meets during week 1-3 of each block. NASU hosts varied events during Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Native American Heritage Month. Throughout the school year, they bring a powerful voice on positive social change, land and water protection, sponsor various events and celebrations, and host an annual powwow. They have invited various Indigenous speakers and artists to campus.
Native American Student Union - Colorado College and Active Student Organization List - Colorado College
2023-24 NASU Cabinet
2023-24 NASU Cabinet:
- Co-chair: Atquetzali Quiroz ( (NASU meetings, community engagement)
- Co-chair: Summer Hussain ( (Powwow)
- Vice-president: Suzy Tsouhlarakis (
- Treasurer: Atquetzali Quiroz (
- Secretary: Kylee Gosney (
- Publicist: Alisha Bloom (
Connect with NASU
Connect with NASU:
- Facebook NASU (Native American Student Union) | Facebook
- Instagram NASU (@coloradocollege_nasu) • Instagram photos and videos
- NASU-L Mailing List
- Email – Cabinet
- Bulletin Board in Worner (Event flyers)
Indigenous Gardens
NASU has an Indigenous medicine garden by the labyrinth and one forthcoming on the CC Farm. These medicines (sweetgrass, prairie sage, and tobacco) will be harvested by NASU members and used for smudging and other ceremonial use.