African-American Studies

Applicable for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Advisor; GARCIA

Minor Requirements

This minor invites students to focus on aspects of African American history, politics, and culture. The minor culminates in an interdisciplinary capstone project or paper.

Students must take a total of six units including at least one course from each of the following four categories, at least two courses beyond the 200-level course, and the capstone project. Since the availability of these courses may vary from year to year, students should consult with the minor advisor about which courses may be applied to the minor. Race, ethnicity, and migration studies topics courses (ES 200), when relevant, may be used to fulfill the minor requirement.

CATEGORY ONE: History. HY243, HY244, HY247.

CATEGORY TWO: Economics and Politics. EC 338, ES 113, ES 212, ES 300, ES 200 when appropriate, PS210, PS323, PS470.

CATEGORY THREE: Literature. EN 263, EN 274, EN 370, EN 384, EN385, EN387, ES 200 when appropriate.

CATEGORY FOUR: Religion and the Arts. ES 200 when appropriate, FS 220, MU 205, RE 227.

The Integrative Experience

An interdisciplinary capstone project or paper that may be taken as an independent study or adjunct totaling one unit.
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