MB231 - Genetics

Nature, transmission and expression of hereditary information; lecture and discussion will include principles of molecular and transmission genetics with an emphasis on contemporary molecular genetic research. (Not offered 2025-26).

Prerequisite: 1) Molecular Biology 201, and 2) Chemistry 108, or consent of instructor.

1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

Inspect the nature, transmission and expression of hereditary information with this molecular biology course! Using the language, concepts, and themes of genetics, students will learn the principles of molecular and transmission genetics with an emphasis on contemporary molecular genetic research.
photo of DNA
Photo from Pixabay user The DigitalArtist
Genetics focuses on the basic principles of genetics with an emphasis on concepts and techniques used in contemporary molecular-genetic research.
Photo of alphabet blocks
Nature, transmission and expression of hereditary information; lecture and laboratory will include principles of molecular and transmission genetics with an emphasis on contemporary molecular genetic research.


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2024 Block 3 Genetics Darrell Killian Olin Hall 481 24 / 8 02/15/2025
Spring 2025 Block 5 Genetics Sara Hanson Olin Hall 473 24 / 10 02/15/2025
Spring 2025 Block 7 Genetics Darrell Killian Olin Hall 481 24 / 4 02/15/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/15/2025