Darrell Killian
Associate Professor, Chair
Molecular Biology
Research Interests
- Development of the nervous system
- RNA-binding proteins
- Sex-determination and sex-specific development
- Germline development and germline stem cells
Killian Lab Website
(Note: #mentored undergrad, *equal contribution, ^corresponding author)
Olesnicky EC, Killian DJ (2020). The cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein (CPEB), Orb, is important for dendrite development and neuron fate specification in Drosophila melanogaster. Gene 738.
Olesnicky EC, Antonacci S, Popitsch N, Lybecker MC, Titus MB, Valadez R, Derkach PG, Marean A, Miller K#, Mathai SK#, Killian DJ (2018). Shep interacts with posttranscriptional regulators to control dendrite morphogenesis in sensory neurons. Developmental Biology 444, 116-128.
Schachtner LT, Sola IE, Forand D, Antonacci S, Postovit AJ, Mortimer NT, Killian DJ^, Olesnicky EC^ (2015). Drosophila Shep and C. elegans SUP-26 are RNA-binding proteins that play diverse roles in nervous system development. Development, Genes, and Evolution 225, 319-330.
Antonacci S, Forand D, Wolf M#, Tyus C#, Barney J#, Kellogg L#, Simon MA#, Kerr G#, Wells KL#, Younes S, Mortimer NT, Olesnicky EC^, Killian DJ^ (2015). Conserved RNA-Binding Proteins Required for Dendrite Morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans Sensory Neurons. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5(4) 639-653.
Wells KL#, Rowneki M#, Killian DJ^ (2015). A splice acceptor mutation in C. elegans daf-19/Rfx disrupts functional specialization of male-specific ciliated neurons but does not affect ciliogenesis. Gene 559, 196-202.
Olesnicky EC, Killian DJ, Rathjen AR, Garcia E, Sola IE, Gavis ER (2014). Extensive use of RNA binding proteins in dendrite morphogenesis of Drosophila sensory neurons. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 4(2) 297-306.
Killian DJ, Harvey E#, Johnson P#, Otori M, Mitani S, Xue D (2008). SKR-1, a homolog of Skp1 and a member of the SCF(SEL-10) complex, regulates sex-determination and LIN-12/Notch signaling in C. elegans. Developmental Biology 322, 322-331.
Peden E, Killian DJ, Xue D (2008). Cell death specification in C. elegans. Cell Cycle 7, 2479-2484.
Voutev R*, Killian DJ*, Ahn JH, Hubbard EJ (2006). Alterations in ribosome biogenesis cause specific defects in C. elegans hermaphrodite gonadogenesis. Developmental Biology 298, 45-58.
Killian DJ and Hubbard EJA (2005). Caenorhabditis elegans germline patterning requires coordinated development of the somatic gonadal sheath and the germline. Developmental Biology 279, 322-335.
Maciejowski J#, Ahn J, Cipriani PG, Killian DJ, Chaudhary AL#, Lee, JI, Voutev R, Johnsen, RC, Baillie, DL, Gunsalus KC, Fitch DHA, Hubbard EJA (2005). Autosomal genes of autosomal/X-linked duplicated gene pairs and germline proliferation in C. elegans. Genetics 169, 1997-2011.
Killian DJ and Hubbard EJA (2004). C. elegans pro-1 is required for soma/germline interactions that influence proliferation and differentiation in the germ line. Development 131, 1267-1278.
Pepper A S-R, Lo T-W, Killian DJ, Hall DH, Hubbard EJA (2003). The establishment of Caenorhabditis elegans germline pattern is controlled by overlapping proximal and distal somatic gonad signals. Developmental Biology 259, 336-350.
Pepper A S-R, Killian DJ, Hubbard EJA (2003). Genetic Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans glp-1 Mutants Suggests Receptor Interaction or Competition. Genetics 163, 115-132.
Schaeffer V, Killian D, Desplan C, Wimmer E (2000). High bicoid levels render the terminal system dispensable for Drosophila head development. Development 127, 3993-3999.
Mollereau B, Wernet M, Beaufils P, Killian D, Pichaud F, Kuhnlein R, Desplan C (2000). A green fluorescent protein enhancer trap screen in Drosophila photoreceptor cells. Mechanisms of Development 93, 151-160.
Regular Classes
MB131 - Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
MB231 - Genetics
MB355 - Laboratory in Advanced Genetics
MB405 - Stem Cell Biology
MB415 - Developmental Neurobiology
MB497 - Senior Capstone in Molecular Biology
MB209/399/498/499 - Mentored Research/Thesis in Molecular Biology
2004-2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder
2004 Ph.D., Department of Biology, Developmental Genetics Program, New York University
1998 BA, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Wesleyan University