MA220 - Linear Algebra
Matrix algebra and Gaussian elimination. The geometry of vectors in R2, R3 and Rn. Vector spaces and linear transformation. Introduction to orthogonal geometry and eigenvalue problems. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: FRL requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).
Prerequisite: Mathematics 129 or Mathematics 204 or 2 credits of college level calculus with consent of instructor.
Degree requirement — Critical Learning: FRL, Critical Perspectives: Q
1 unit
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In block 1, students in Linear Algebra will bring mathematics to life by studying the applications of Linear Algebra in the natural and social sciences.

Linear Algebra is the area of mathematics concerning vector spaces and linear transformations between these spaces. We will begin by studying vectors in a 2-dimensional plane, and then we will extend the concepts of span, linear independence, basis, and dimension to higher dimensions and to more abstract vector spaces. Applications of Linear Algebra are ubiquitous, in both pure and applied mathematics, as well as in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and business. Students will encounter topics ranging from population dynamics to the spread of rumors on facebook in the computer lab assignments. The course itself will be a combination of practical computation (both by hand and with Mathematica) and mathematical theory. This means that students will be introduced to mathematical proof-writing and to mathematical definitions as part of this course. Prerequisite: Mathematics 129 or Mathematics 203 or 2 credits of college level calculus with consent of instructor.
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Last updated: 02/11/2025