GY211 - Earth Materials

Study of the earth as a chemical system where a limited number of elements react over a range of geologic conditions to form igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks characterized by unique mineral assemblages. Topics covered include processes driving rock-forming reactions, where they take place, and why certain minerals are associated with each rock type. Also included is a study of the chemistry, crystallography and identification of silicate and other common minerals based on their physical, optical and diffractive properties. Field and lab projects enable students to build upon their knowledge of Rocky Mountain geology. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Scientific Investigation of the Natural World requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SA requirement. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Scientific Investigation of the Natural World requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SA requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).

Prerequisite: Geology 140 or GY150;CH 107.

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: SA, Critical Perspectives: I

1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2024 Block 4 Earth Materials Henry Fricke Tutt Science Building 107 25 / 7 02/10/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/10/2025