Friday Feature: Agents of Change

On Kanopy, there is a movie called Agents of Change, and it shows the power of successful protests in enacting real change. It focuses on how San Francisco State and Cornell students, using the support of people around them and strategic strikes, were able to directly increase the role of minorities in colleges across the United States.
(Dalles Tranquille)
Access info:
Agents of Change is available to those with a CC single-sign-on account. First, log in to your library account on the Tutt home page ( Search for Kanopy, then follow the viewing link. It might make you re-login with your single-sign-on info. Once in Kanopy, a search for Agents of Change will bring it up.
Or, if you're already logged in, you may be able to hop directly to .
Don't hesitate to reach out to us here or via email, if you have any trouble!
PS If you don't have a CC account, it's worth investigating whether your local library also has Kanopy - you might be able to stream the same film through them! PPLD, here in Colorado Springs, has Kanopy access as well.
If you're interested in learning more about the film and its creators, there is also a 15 minute freely-watchable interview here:, and for those without Kanopy access, you can rent the film for $10 here:
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/05/2021