Sanjaya Thakur has taught in the Classics department at Colorado College (CC) since 2008. He was educated at UCLA and the University of Michigan where he wrote his PhD dissertation on the Ovid's presentation of the imperial family in the exile poems.
Professor Thakur is the primary Latin instructor in the Classics department, but regularly teaches courses in translation on subjects such as Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity, Roman History, and other aspects of Greek and Roman civilization and culture. Professor Thakur's research interests are in Latin poetry of the Augustan age, and he also is particularly interested in Greek and Roman sports, regularly teaching courses on athletics and entertainment in both cultures.
Professor Thakur also co-teaches a CC Greek and Roman Art summer course in Italy with Professor Buxton.
Professor Thakur serves on the Editorial Board of Eugesta: Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity.
Professor Thakur was the 2022-23 Elizabeth A. Whitehead Distinguished Scholar at the American School of Classical Studies, Athens.
Professor Thakur also served as Director of the Classical Summer School at the American Academy, Rome from 2021-2023.
Professor Thakur is the former Chair of the Committee on Diversity in the Profession for the Society for Classical Studies.
Here is a link to a representative example of his scholarship, on the empress Livia in Ovid's poetry.