Amanda Minervini
Associate Professor
Director, Italian Program
Chair, Paul F. Sheffer Fund for Roman Catholic Studies Committee
Founding Director, EGLHE (Equine-Guided Learning and Healing Experience)
US Coordinator of the International Society of Zooanthropology
Research Interests
Fascism, religion and politics, diversity in Italian cultures, race theory, film and documentary, Holocaust representations, political theory, animal studies
“Il cavallo ritrovato: Imparare con gli equini. L'esperienza di un college americano” in Animal Studies. Rivista italiana di zooantropologia (44, 2024)
ReFiguring Global Challenges: Literary and Cinematic Explorations of War, Inequality and Migration Chief Editor, with Amelie Björck (Södertörn University), Omri Grinberg (University of Jerusalem), Amrita Ghosh (Linnaeus University). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers, 2023
"It is Time to go Outside. A Dialogue with Dominick LaCapra" in ReFiguring Global Challenges, Brill, 2023.
Saint Francis and Mussolini, The Saint, The Duce, The Pope. Religion and Politics in an Age of Crisis. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang (under contract)
“Co-Teaching Black Italian Cinema” with Fred Kudjo Kuwornu, in The Italianist, vol.41, 2021
“Mussolini Speaks. History Reviewed,” The Massachusetts Review. A Quarterly of Literature, Art, and Public Affairs, 60: 1 (Spring 2019), 194-204
“Face to Face: Iconic Representations and Juxtapositions of St. Francis of Assisi and Mussolini during Italian Fascism” in M. Epstein, F. Orsitto, A. Righi, TOTalitarian Arts: the Visual Arts, Fascism(s) and Mass Society. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Cambridge, UK, 2017)
"Uccidete la Democrazia! (2009) e Girlfriend in a Coma (2012): Il Nuovo Documentario Politico sull' Italia" in William Hope, Luciana D'Arcangeli, and Silvana Serra, Un Nuovo Cinema Politico Italiano? Vol.2, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics, UK : Troubador Publishing, 2014
"Saint Francis of Assisi: An Artist Saint, A Saint for Artists," in Hans Haacke, Once Upon a Time, London: Black Dog, 2013
"A Note on the Thought of Roberto Esposito," Diacritics, 39:2 (Summer 2009), 95-97
"Fate Finta che sia una Finzione: TV e Scrittori Americani contemporanei," Incroci 11 (July-December 2004), 73-92
Rupert Isaacson, "Horse Boy e Movement Method. Apprendimento condotto da bambini e neuroplasticità attraverso l'allegria" in Animal Studies. Rivista italiana di zooantropologia (44, 2024)
Elettra Stimilli “Debt Economy and Faith. Philosophy in the Age of Terror,” Diacritics, 47(2):4-21, (2019)
Adriana Cavarero, Inclinations, (English translation of Inclinazioni, Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2013), Stanford University Press (2016)
Carlo Galli, Janus's Gaze: Essays on Carl Schmitt (with Adam Sitze, English translation of Lo sguardo di Giano. Saggi su Carl Schmitt, Il Mulino, 2008), Duke University Press and Verso Bookk, 2015
Giorgio Agamben Nymphs, (English translation of Ninfe, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2007), Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013; and "Nymphs" in: Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media, Jacques Khalip and Robert Mitchell, eds., Stanford University Press, 2011, 60-81
Wendy Brown, Politica fuori dalla storia, (Italian translation of Politics Out of History, Princeton University Press, 2001), Laterza, 2012
Carlo Galli, "Hamlet: Representation and the Concrete" (with Adam Sitze, English translation of the introduction to Carl Schmitt's Amleto o Ecuba. L'irrompere del tempo nel gioco del dramma) in Political Theology and Early Modernity, Julia Reinhard Lupton and Graham Hammill, eds., University of Chicago Press, 2012
Carlo Galli, "On War and on the Enemy," (with Adam Sitze, translation of "Sulla guerra e sul nemico," in:Paranoia e politica), The New Centennial Review, 9:2, 2009, 195-219
Courses Taught
Culture Classes taught in English:
The Rise of Fascisms: History, Theory, Representations (First Year Seminar)
Gusto: Italian Food as Art, Culture, and Tradition (taught in Italy, and on campus as dynamic half-block)
Love & Anarchy: Romance, Sex, and Politics in Italian Cinema
Voice and the Nonhuman. Animals in the Visual Arts, Literature and Theory
Come to Hell. Dante and Our World
Black Italian Cinema and Digital Activism (with Fred Kuwornu)
Italian Mafia Movies (taught in Italy and on campus)
New Italian Cinema
Italian Neorealism
Storytelling During the Time of the Plague: Boccaccio and The Decameron
Word, Sound, and Drama in Italian and German Culture (First Year Seminar)
Post-WW2 Italian and German Cinema (with Christiane Steckenbiller)
German Cultural History: “Wild Berlin” (First Year Seminar)
Language and Culture Classes:
Advanced Italian: Gli italiani e gli altri. Fra romanzo, saggio, musica e poesia
Advanced Italian: Lingue, Arti, Culture e Tradizioni in Italia
Advanced Italian: Afroitalians and Pop Cultures
Language Pedagogy Practicum
Intermediate Italian1&2
Elementary Italian 1&2
Elementary German 1
Independent Studies in Italian Literature
Awards and Grants
Excellence in Teaching Award 2023-24, extraordinary merit 2023-24
Just World Awards, Val Veirs Environmental Justice Award (Nomination), Spring 2023
Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grants, Dean's Office Colorado College: "Gender Inclusion in the Language Classroom," Summer 2021; "Afroitalian Cultures," Summer 2022; "Reception and Representations of Mussolini in US media," Summer 2023
Creativity & Innovation Grant in support of the creation of the non-profit foundation EGLHE (Equine-Guided Learning and Healing Experience), Spring 2022
Creativity & Innovation Grant, Colorado College, for the realization of animation videos for Italian language learning, Summer 2021, renewed in Fall 2021
Sheffer Grant to conduct research in Vatican Archives, 2020 (Research conducted in 2021)

Ph.D. in Italian Studies, 2013, Brown University
MA in Comparative Literature with a focus on Italian, Anglo-American, and French literature, 2007, UMass Amherst (2007)
Honors B.A. in Literature and Philosophy, 2002, Universita' di Bari, Italy.