Brian Linkhart
Professor, Chair
Organismal Biology & Ecology
Research Interests
Avian Ecology:
- Long-term demographic performance
- Habitat quality
- Climate effects on phenology and productivity
- Life history characteristics
- Mating strategies
Avian Conservation
Activities & Interests
Backcountry skiing
(* denotes student authors)
*Yanco, S. W., B. D. Linkhart, P.P. Marra, M. Mika, *M. Ciaglo, A. Carver, and M. B. Wunder. 2021. Niche dynamics suggest ecological factors influencing migration in an insectivorous owl. Ecology e3617.
*Ciaglo, M., *R. Calhoun, *S. W. Yanco, M. B. Wunder, C. A. Stricker, and B. D. Linkhart. 2021. Evidence of post-breeding prospecting in a long-distance migrant. Ecology and Evolution 11:599-611.
Linkhart, B. D., and A. McCallum. 2020. Flammulated Owl (Psiloscops flammeolus), version 1.0. In The Birds of the World (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
*Herzog, J. L., *J. M. Eisaguirre, B. D. Linkhart, and T. L. Booms. 2019. Golden Eagle diet in western Alaska. Journal of Raptor Research 53:393-401.
*Yanco, S. W., and B. D. Linkhart. 2018. Changing fire regimes and faunal responses: Habitat use by Flammulated Owls after fire in Colorado, in Trends and traditions: Avifaunal change in western North America (W.D. Shuford, R. E. Gill Jr., and C. M. Handel, eds.), pp. 419-431. Studies of Western Birds 3. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo, CA; doi 10.21199/SWB3.22.
Linkhart, B. D, *S.W. Yanco, and J. Fox. 2016. Migration timing and routes, and wintering areas of Flammulated Owls. Journal of Field Ornithology 87:42-54.
Yanco, S. W.*, and B. D. Linkhart. (Accepted with minor revision). Habitat selection by Flammulated Owls in a post-fire landscape. Studies of Western Birds.
Linkhart, B. D., and A. McCallum. 2013. Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus). In The Birds of North America, no. 93 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. (2nd Edition)
Fylling, M. A., J. D. Carlisle, A. B. Cilimburg, J. A. Blakesley, B. D. Linkhart, and D. H. Holt. 2010. Flammulated Owl Survey Protocol. Partners in Flight-Western Working Group. 9 pp.
Nelson, M.D., Johnson, D.H., Linkhart, B.D. and Miles, P.D. 2009. Flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) breeding habitat abundance in ponderosa pine forests of the United States. In: Rich, T.D., Arizmendi, C., Demarest, D. and Thompson, C. (eds.), Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People. Fourth International Partners in Flight Symposium 4:71-81.
Linkhart, B. D., E. R. Evers*, J. D. Megler*, E. C. Palm*, C. M. Salipante*, and S. W. Yanco*. 2008. Polygyny in the Flammulated Owl. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:645-648.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2007. Rate of return, fidelity, and dispersal in a breeding population of Flammulated Owls. Auk 124:264-275.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2006. Lifetime reproduction of Flammulated Owls in Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 40:29-37.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 2004. Longevity of Flammulated Owls: Additional records and comparisons to other North American strigiforms. Journal of Field Ornithology 75:192-195.
Linkhart, B. D., R. T. Reynolds and R. A. Ryder. 1998. Home range and habitat of breeding Flammulated Owls in Colorado. Wilson Bulletin 110:342-351.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1998. Flammulated Owl. Pages 140-144 in R. L. Glinski (Ed.). Raptors of Arizona. Univ. of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 1997. Territories of Flammulated Owls: Is occupancy a measure of habitat quality? Pages 250-254 in J. R. Duncan, D. H. Johnson, and T. H. Nicholls, eds. Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. Winnipeg, Manitoba. USDA Forest Service Gen Tech. Rep. NC-190.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 1994. Peromyscus carcass in the nest of a Flammulated Owl. Journal of Raptor Research 28:43-44.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1992. Flammulated Owls in ponderosa pine: evidence of preference for old-growth. Pages 166-169 in M. R. Kaufmann, W. H. Moir, and R. L. Bassett, Tech. Coord. Old-growth forests in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions: Proceedings of a workshop. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-213.
Reynolds, R. T., R. A. Ryder, and B. D. Linkhart. 1992. Small forest owls. Pages 134-140 in B. Pendleton, K. Steenhof, and M. N. Kochert, eds. Western Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop Proceedings. Natl. Wild. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Serv. No. 12.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1990. Extra-pair copulation and extra-range movements in Flammulated Owls. Ornis Scandinavica 21:74-77.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1990. Longevity records for male and female Flammulated Owls. Journal of Field Ornithology 61:243-244.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1987. Fidelity to territory and mate in Flammulated Owls. Pages 234-238 in R. W. Nero, R. J. Clark, R. J. Knapton, and R. H. Hamre, eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142.
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1987. The nesting biology of Flammulated Owls in Colorado. Pp 239-248 in R. W. Nero, R. J. Clark, R. J. Knapton, and R. H. Hamre, eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142.
Linkhart, B. D., and R. T. Reynolds. 1987. Brood division and postnesting behavior of Flammulated Owls. Wilson Bulletin 99:240-243.
Reynolds, R. T., B. D. Linkhart, and J. Jeanson. 1985. Characteristics of snags and trees containing cavities in a Colorado conifer forest. USDA Forest Service Res. Note. RM-455. 6 pp
Reynolds, R. T., and B. D. Linkhart. 1984. Methods and materials for capturing and monitoring Flammulated Owls. Great Basin Naturalist 44:49-51.
Regular Classes
BE106 - Biology of Animals
BE208 – Ecology
BE309/409 – Research Problems in Biology
BE367 – Animal Ecology
BE369 Tropical Ecology
BE370 Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Ecology (taught in Belize)
BE389/390 Ecology and Biogeography of Patagonia
BE410 Ornithology
BE466 – Advanced Research Methods in Ecology and Field Biology
BE499 – Senior Thesis
Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 2001
M.S. Colorado State University, 1984
B.S. Colorado State University, 1981
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