Rachel Jabaily
Associate Professor
Organismal Biology & Ecology, Southwest Studies
I am a proud botanist and evolutionary biologist. My research generates phylogenies, or models of evolutionary relationships built from molecular data, to test hypotheses about where, when, and how various groups of flowering plants evolved. My main study groups are the primarily Australian plant family Goodeniaceae and the New World tropical Bromeliaceae. My research has implications for taxonomy (the naming of species and genera), and conservation. I investigate the evolution of life history from a morphological, developmental, and physiological perspective in the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae) with greenhouse experiments at CC and colleagues at other liberal arts colleges and botanical gardens. I love working with undergraduates, and collaborators locally, across the US, and around the world.
Activities & Interests
I love botanizing and learning the flora of Colorado.
I promote the liberal arts within botany, and I seek to increase inclusion, intersectionality, and social justice.
I enjoy hiking, cooking, yoga, knitting, and spending time with my family.
(* denotes undergraduate mentee coauthor)
Felton, J.M*., M.S. Heschel, E.N. Bodine, R.S. Jabaily. Comparative reproductive biology and impacts of selfing in two epiphytic Bromeliaceae (submitted: Biotropica)
Bodine, E.N, C. Bush*, A. Capaldi, R.S. Jabaily. 2022. Modeling differences in reproductive effort between Iteroparous and Semelparous reproductive strategies in Bromeliaceae. In press: In Silico Plants.
Jabaily, R.S., B. Oberle, E.W. Fetterly*, M.S. Heschel, B. Sidoti, E.N. Bodine. 2021. Refining iteroparity with comparative morphometric data in Bromeliaceae. International J. Plant Sciences 187: doi: 10.1086/715484.
Shepherd, K.A., B. J. Lepschi, E.A. Johnson*, A.G. Gardner, E.B. Sessa & R.S. Jabaily. 2020. The concluding chapter: recircumscription of Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) to include four allied genera with an updated infrageneric classification. Phytokeys 152: 27-104. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.152.49604.
Jabaily, R.S., K.A. Shepherd, P.S. Michener*, C.J. Bush*, R. Rivero*, A.G. Gardner, & E.B. Sessa. 2018. Employing hypothesis testing and data from multiple genomic compartments to resolve recalcitrant backbone nodes in Goodenia s.l. (Goodeniaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 127: 502-512.
Shepherd, K.A., Wege, J.A., & R.S. Jabaily. 2017. Proposal to conserve the name Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 66 (3): 757-758.
Gardner, A.G., J.N. Fitz Gerald, J. Menz*, K.A. Shepherd, D.G. Howarth, & R.S. Jabaily. 2016. Characterizing floral symmetry in the Core Goodeniaceae with geometric morphometrics. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154736. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154736
Gardner A.G., E.B., Sessa, P. Michener*, E.A. Johnson*, K.A. Shepherd, D.G. Howarth & R.S. Jabaily. 2016. Utilizing next-generation sequencing to resolve the backbone of the Core Goodeniaceae and inform future taxonomic and floral form studies. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 94: 605-17. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.10.003
Evans, T.E., R.S. Jabaily, A.P. Gelli de Faria, L.O.F. de Sousa, T. Wendt, & G.K. Brown. 2015. Phylogenetic relationships in Bromeliaceae subfamily Bromelioideae based on chloroplast DNA sequence data.Systematic Botany 40(1): 116-128. doi: 10.1600/036364415X686413
Jabaily, R.S., K.A. Shepherd, A.G. Gardner, M.H.G. Gustafsson, D.G Howarth. & T.J. Motley. 2014. Historical biogeography of the predominantly Australian plant family Goodeniaceae. Journal of Biogeography 41(11): 2057-2067 doi: 10.1111/jbi.12363
Givnish, T.J., M.H.J. Barfuss, B. VanEe, R. Riina, K. Schulte, R. Horres, P.A. Gonsiska, R.S. Jabaily, D.M. Crayn, J.A.C. Smith, K. Winter, G.K. Brown, T.M. Evans, B.K. Holst, H. Luther, W. Till, G. Zizka, P.E. Berry and K.J. Sytsma. 2014. Adaptive radiation, correlated and contingent evolution, and net species diversification in Bromeliaceae.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 55-78. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.10.010
Jabaily, R.S. and K.J. Sytsma. 2013. Historical biogeography and life-history evolution of the Andean Puya (Bromeliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 201-224. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2012.01307.x
Jabaily, R.S., K.A. Shepherd, M.H.G. Gustafsson, L.W. Sage, S.L. Krauss, D.G. Howarth and T.J. Motley. 2012. Systematics of the Austral-Pacific family Goodeniaceae- Establishing a taxonomic and evolutionary framework. Taxon 61: 419-436.
Givnish, T.J., M.H.J. Barfuss, B. VanEe, R. Riina, K. Schulte, R. Horres, P.A. Gonsiska, R.S. Jabaily, D.M. Crayn, J.A.C. Smith, K. Winter, G.K. Brown, T.M. Evans, B.K. Holst, H. Luther, W. Till, G. Zizka, P.E. Berry and K.J. Sytsma. 2011. Phylogeny, adaptive radiation and historical biogeography in Bromeliaceae: insights from an 8-locus plastid phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 98 (5): 872-895. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000059
Jabaily, R.S. and K.J. Sytsma. 2010. Phylogenetics of Puya (Bromeliaceae): placement, major lineages and evolution of Chilean species.American Journal of Botany 97(2): 337-356. doi: 10.3732/ajb.0900107
Cano Flores, N*. and R.S. Jabaily. 2010. New localities and taxonomic synopsis of Puya mima (Bromeliaceae), a charismatic and importantPuya from central Peru. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 60(3) 115-120.
Prychid, C.J., R.S. Jabaily, and P.J. Rudall. 2008. Cellular ultrastructure and crystal development in Amorphophallus (Araceae). Annals of Botany 101: 983-995. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcn022
Katinas L, J.V. Crisci R.S. Jabaily , C.L.*Williams, J.B. Walker, B. Drew, J.M. Bonifacino and K.J. Sytsma. 2008. Evolution of secondary heads in Nassauviinae (Asteraceae, Mutisieae). American Journal of Botany 95(2): 229-240. doi: 10.3732/ajb.95.2.229
Regular Classes
BE105 - Biology of Plants
BE202 - Field Botany
BE240 - Evolution
BE440 - Special Topics: Biogeography & Phylogenetics
BE440 - Special Topics: Evolutionary Medicine
Ph.D. Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009
B.S. Botany, University of Wyoming, 2004