Scott Ingram
Associate Professor
Scott Ingram is an archaeological anthropologist. His research objectives are to: (1) contribute insights toward understanding contemporary problems such as human vulnerability to climate change and social and ecological sustainability by investigating long-term human and environmental interactions, (2) advance understanding of depopulations and migrations in the North American Southwest, especially during the dramatic population decline of the 1300 to 1500 CE period; and, (3) document, describe, and interpret Colorado's past in collaboration with students. Most aspects of his work involve attention to applications of archaeology to contemporary socio-environmental problems (e.g., sustainability and anthropogenic warming).
Activities & Interests
- Southwestern U.S archaeology
- Dendrochronology and dendroclimatology
- Human vulnerability to natural hazards
- Sustainability, resilience, vulnerability
- Historical archaeology of the Colorado and New Mexico
2025 [accepted]. Ingram, Scott E. Climate and Human Behavior Studies for our Warming World: An Introduction to the Models, Methods, and Data. Advances in Archaeological Practice.
2021 Ingram, Scott E., and Shelby Patrick. Human Securities, Sustainability, and Migration in the Ancient U.S. Southwest and Mexican Northwest. Ecology and Society 26(2):9.
2021 Ingram, Scott E., and Karen Gust Schollmeyer. Understanding Past Climate-related Migration for our Warming World. Kiva: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 87(2):220-252. DOI: 10.1080/00231940.2021.1880170
2020 Birndorf, Joshua, and Scott E. Ingram. Tangled Transmissions: The Differentiation of Historic Telegraph and Telephone Lines through Material Culture. Reviews in Colorado Archaeology 3:23-46.
2020 Altschul, J H, Kintigh, K W, Aldenderfer, M, Alonzi, E, Armit, I, Barcelo, J A, Beekman, C S, Bickle, P F, Bird D G, Ingram, S E, Isayev, E, Kandel, A W, Kiddey, R, Kienon-Kabore, H T, Niccolucci, F, Ragsdale, C S, Scaffidi, B K, Ortman, S. Opinion: To Understand How Migrations Affect Human Security Look to the Past. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (34), 20342-20345.
2018 Kintigh, Keith W. and Scott E. Ingram. Was the Drought Really Responsible? Assessing Statistical Relationships between Climate Extremes and Cultural Transitions. Journal of Archaeological Science 89:25-31.
2018 Ingram, Scott E. Archaeological Identification of Human Sensitivity to Drought. In Water and Society from Ancient Times to the Present: Resilience, Decline, and Revival, edited by Federica Sulas and Innocent Pikirayi, pp. 40-64. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
2017 Ingram, Scott E. Climate. In The Oxford Handbook of Southwest Archaeology. Edited by Barbara J. Mills and Severin Fowles, pp. 749-766. Oxford University Press.
2017 Ingram, Scott E. Settlement Ecology in the Precontact North American Southwest. In Settlement Ecology of the Ancient Americas, edited by Lucas C. Kellett and Eric E. Jones, pp. 85-110. Routledge.
2017 Nelson, Margaret C., Ann P. Kinzig, Jette Arneborg, Richard Streeter, Scott E. Ingram. Vulnerability to Food Insecurity: Tradeoffs and Their Consequences. In The Give and Take of Sustainability: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives on Tradeoffs, edited by Michelle Hegmon, pp. 172-197. Cambridge.
2016 M. Nelson, S. Ingram, A. Dugmore, R. Streeter, M. Peeples, T. McGovern, M. Hegmon, J. Arneborg, K. Kintigh, O. Vesteinsson, S. Brewington, K. Spielmann, I. Simpson, C. Strawhacker, L. Comeau, A. Torvinen, C. Madsen, G. Hambrecht. Climate Challenges, Vulnerability, and Food Security. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (2), pp. 298-303.
2016 Ingram, Scott E. and Richard Streeter. Supplementary Materials, Climate Challenges, Vulnerability, and Food Security. Submitted to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
2016 Ingram, Scott E. and Dennis Gilpin. Southwestern Archaeology beyond Archaeology: Past, Present, Future. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 81 (1-2): 120-147.
2015 Ingram, Scott E. and Robert C. Hunt, editors. Traditional Arid Lands Agriculture: Understanding the Past for the Future (book). University of Arizona Press.
2015 Ingram, Scott E. Human Vulnerability to Dry Periods, In Traditional Arid Lands Agriculture: Understanding the Past for the Future, edited by Scott E. Ingram and Robert C. Hunt, pp. 131-160. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
2014 Ingram, Scott E. Climatic, Demographic, and Environmental Influences on Central Arizona Settlement Patterns. In Alliance and Landscape on Perry Mesa in the Fourteenth Century, edited by D. Abbott and K. Spielmann. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
2014 Hunt, Robert C. and Scott E. Ingram. Plant and Animal Production Calendar for the Middle Gila River: Pima and Hohokam. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History.
2014 Hegmon, M., J. Arneborg, A. Dugmore, G. Hambrecht, S. Ingram, K. Kintigh, T. McGovern, M. Nelson, M. Peeples, I. Simpson, K. Spielmann, R. Streeter, and O. Vésteinsson. The Human Experience of Social Change and Continuity: The Southwest and the North Atlantic in "Interesting Times" ca. 1300. In Climates of Change: The Shifting Environments of Archaeology. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Chacmool Conference, edited by S. Lacey, C. Tremain, and M. Sawyer. pp 53-67. University of Calgary.
2013 Nelson, Margaret C., Michelle Hegmon, Keith W. Kintigh, Ann P. Kinzig, Ben A. Nelson, John Marty Anderies, David A. Abbott, Katherine A. Spielmann, Scott E. Ingram, Matthew A. Peeples, Colleen A. Strawhacker, and Cathryn Meegan. "長期的脆弱性與恢復力: 美國西南部與墨西哥北部考古學研究 的實例" In 考古學與永續發展研究. Edited by 邱斯嘉 and 臧振華, pp. 93-117. 台北: 中央研究院人 文社會科學研究中心考古學研究專題中心. (Research Center for the Humanities and Social Science, Center for Archaeological Research: Taipei)
2012 Nelson, M.C., M. Hegmon, K.W. Kintigh, A.P. Kinzig, B.A. Nelson, J.M. Anderies, D.A. Abbott, K.A. Spielmann, S.E. Ingram, M.A. Peeples, S. Kulow, C.A. Strawhacker, C. Meegan. Long-Term Vulnerability and Resilience: Three Examples from Archaeological Study in the Southwestern U.S. and Northern Mexico. In Surviving Sudden Environmental Change: Answers from Archaeology, edited by Jago Cooper and Payson Sheets, pp. 197-221. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2011 Spielmann, Katherine A., Margaret Nelson, Scott Ingram, and Matthew A. Peeples. Sustainable Small-Scale Agriculture in Semi-Arid Environments. Ecology and Society 16(1): 26.
2011 Spielmann, Katherine A., Margaret Nelson, Scott Ingram, and Matthew A. Peeples. Mitigating Environmental Risk in the U.S. Southwest. In Sustainable Lifeways: Cultural Persistence in an Ever-Changing Environment, edited by Naomi F. Miller, Katherine M. Moore and Kathleen Ryan. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
2010 Ingram, Scott E., and Douglas B. Craig. Streamflow and Population Dynamics Along the Middle Gila River. Journal of Arizona Archaeology 1:33-45.
2008 Ingram, Scott E. Streamflow and Population Change in the Lower Salt River Valley of Central Arizona, ca. A.D. 775 to 1450. American Antiquity 73:136-165.
2007 Biggs, R., C. Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Atkinson-Palombo, E. Bohensky, E. Boyd, G. Cundill, H. Fox, S. Ingram, K. Kok, S. Spehar, M. Tengö, D. Timmer, and M. Zurek, Linking Futures Across Scales: a Dialog on Multiscale Scenarios. Ecology and Society 12(1): 17.
2006 Abbott, David R., Scott E. Ingram, and Brent G. Kober. Hohokam Exchange and Early Classic Period Organization in Central Arizona: Focal Villages or Linear Communities? Journal of Field Archaeology 31:285-305.
Regular Classes
The archaeology curriculum at Colorado College provides abundant opportunities for learning by doing.
AN100 Human Being: Anthropological Perspectives
AN107 Anthropocene: Archaeology of Sustainability
AN219 Archaeology of the North American Southwest
AN220 Doing Archaeology
AN227 Collapse and Sustainability of Past Societies
AN225 Historical Archaeology
AN328 Trees, Climate, and People
AN320 Field Archaeology
AN315 Senior Capstone

Ph.D. Anthropology, Arizona State University, 2010
M.A. Anthropology, Arizona State University, 2004
M.A. Political Science, Oklahoma State University, 1984
B.S. Political Science, with Honors, Oklahoma State University, 1982