Juan Miguel Arias
Assistant Professor
Higher Education Teaching
Assistant Professor, Colorado College Education Department
Visiting Assistant Professor, Colorado College Education Department
Riley Postdoctoral Scholar, Colorado College
Graduate Teaching, Stanford University
Refereed Journal Articles
Arias, J. M. (2022). Humor and humility for inclusive nature education. Environmental Education Research, 0(0), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2022.2094895
Román, D., Arias, J. M., Sedlacek, Q. C., & Pérez, G. (2022). Exploring Conceptions of Creativity and Latinidad in Environmental Education Through the Lens of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Review of Research in Education 46(1), 32-63. https://doi.org/10.3102/0091732X221084332
Hawkins, R. X. D., Smith, E. N., Au, C., Arias, J. M., Catapano, R., Hermann, E., Keil, M., Lampinen, A., Raposo, S., Reynolds, J., Salehi, S., Salloum, J., Tan., & Frank, M. C. (2018). Improving the Replicability of Psychological Science Through Pedagogy. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.
Orrego-Cardozo, M., Jiménez-Rodriguez, A., Osorio-Forero, A., Restrepo, F., Arias, J. M., & Tamayo-Orrego, L. (2016). Different brain structures exhibit similar caffeine levels after the administration of a single dose of caffeine / Estructuras encefálicas distintas muestran concentración de cafeína similar después de la administración de una dosis única. Biosalud, 16(2), 20-27.
Other Publications
Arias, J. M., Drossman, H. (2022). Power & equity in undergraduate environmental education: “Loving critique” at the Colorado College TREE Semester. Clearing: The Pacific Northwest Journal of Community-based Environmental Literacy Education.
Preschoolers' moral judgments of environmental harm and influence of perspective-taking. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 14.
Authentic teacher care encourages reflective environmental engagement among minoritized youth. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 14.
Personal dispositions and recycling-related beliefs contribute to overestimation of perceived recycling skills. Article review. ChangeScale Environmental Education Research Bulletin, Issue 13.
Book Reviews
Arias, J. M. (2015). Book Review: Restoring Opportunity: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 37(4), 572-580.
Conference Participation
Conference Papers
Experiential learning in environmental history: Diversity from margin to center, American Society for Environmental History, Denver, CO, April 3-7th. (2024)
Outdoor Campuses in Higher Education: Resources, Opportunities, and Best Practices. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, October 12th (2023)
Humor and Relational Pedagogy in Critically Conscious Environmental Education. American Education Research Association (AERA), April 25th. (2022)
Pedagogies of Perspective: Enacting Culturally Sustaining Practices in Nature Education. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Conference, Lexington, KY. (2019)
Conference Posters
Gaining perspective: Insights from a culturally sustaining analysis of qualitative program evaluations. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium, Lexington, KY. (2019)
Valuing the Return(s): Culturally Sustaining Care in Nature Education. Children and Nature Network International Conference, Oakland, CA. (2019)
The Summen Project: Place-Based Education and Outreach Using California Redwoods as a Flagship Species. Young Environmental Scholars Conference, Stanford University. (2017)
The puzzle of switch costs that don’t add up: Reconsidering support for the “all or none” hypothesis of inhibitory development. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Austin, TX.
Institutional Service (Colorado College)
Co-facilitator, Latine Staff & Faculty Affinity Group, Colorado College (2023-present)
Steering Committee, Colorado College & Catamount Center partnership (2023-present)
Curriculum Committee, Stroud Scholars Program, Colorado College (2021-22)
Community Service
Board of Directors—Chair, Vida Verde Nature Education, San Gregorio, CA. (2021-2023)
Board of Directors—Secretary, Vida Verde Nature Education, San Gregorio, CA. (2019-2021)
School-Community Interpreter (SPA-ENG), Redwood City, CA. (2018-2019)
School-Community Interpreter (SPA-ENG), Pescadero, CA. (2014-2019)
Service to the Profession and Past Institutions
ChangeScale Strategy Group member. ChangeScale Environmental Education. (2020)
Graduate mentor & program consultant, Stanford GSE IDEAS Program. (2019-2020)
Academic volunteer. NAAEE Annual Conference, Lexington, KY. (2019)
Co-founder, Stanford GSE Graduate Mentorship Program. (2015-2018)
Coordinator, Stanford-Pescadero Spanish Interpreters Initiative. (2015-2017)
Co-founder, GSE Student-led Workshops in Methods and Skills (SWIMS). (2015-2017)
Head Community Associate. Stanford Graduate Life Office. (2015-2017)
Scholarship Committee Chair. APA Division 45 Society for the Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race Biennial Conference, Stanford University. July 7-9. (2016)
First-year mentor, Stanford’s El Centro Chicano y Latino. (2014-2016)
Stanford Haas Center Kennedy-Diamond Award for Excellence in Community Engaged Learning and Research (2020)
William B. Stapp Student Scholarship, North American Association for Environmental Education (2019)
Stanford Psychology Department Zimbardo Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2018)
Stanford Alumni Association Community Impact Award (2018)
Best Student Poster, Young Environmental Scholars Conference (2017)
Phi Beta Kappa, Colorado College Chapter (2012)
Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology (2011)
Mortar Board, National College Senior Honor Society (2010)
Colorado College Creativity & Innovation Climate Justice Scholarship Grant. $4,000. (2022)
Colorado College Creativity & Innovation Climate Justice Curriculum Development Grant. $2,000. (2022)
Stanford Diversity Dissertation Research Opportunity (DDRO) Grant. $2,092. (2019)
Stanford Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Graduate Fellowship. $102,000. (2018-2020)
Stanford GSE Dean’s Collaborative Learning Fund. $44,300 over 3 years. (2015)
Gerhard Casper Stanford Graduate Fellowship. $102,960. (2014)
Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Doctoral Fellowship. $12,800. (2014)
Scotland’s Saltire Scholarship. $12,400. (2013)
Margaret T. Barnes Full-Tuition Scholarship in the Natural Sciences, Colorado
College. $146,000. (2008)
Regular Classes
ED225/EV265 Foundations of Environmental Education (TREE)
ED311/PY270 Educational Psychology
ED495 Internship in Education
ED572 Teacher and Teaching Identities

PhD, Stanford University: Education Developmental and Psychological Sciences
MSc, University of St. Andrews: Evolutionary and Comparative Psychology (Developmental Focus)
BA, Colorado College: Neuroscience
Website: juanmiguelarias.com
LinkedIn: in/juanmiguelarias
Professional Certifications
NOLS Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor (CWI)
PADI SCUBA Certified: Open Water Diver (SCUBA-OWD)
American Red Cross CPR/First Aid
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