The Ancient World

Applicable for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Minor Requirements

The ancient Near East and Mediterranean areas as the background of Western civilization. Emphasis on Greco-Roman and biblical forms of thought, organization, and artistic expression as perennial influences. (Not available to classics majors.) 6 units.

Language requirement (2 units): Students must have a reading knowledge equivalent to the first two blocks’ worth of Greek (CL101), Latin (CL111), or Hebrew. If a student tests out of any of these, they must take 5 elective units as described below.

Electives in the minor (4 units): Students may take any Classics, Art History, Philosophy, Religion or History course where the ancient Mediterranean is the focus. Credit for other courses can be counted, if approved by the minor advisor.

The Integrative Experience

A paper or project investigating some aspect of the ancient world intensely but in its wider cultural and historical context. This is typically done in connection with one of the concluding courses of the minor. With the permission of the minor advisor the Integrative Experience may be completed in adjunct/independent study format.


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