African Studies

Applicable for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Advisor; I. WADE

Minor Requirements

The African studies minor is a five-unit, interdisciplinary approach to the study of Africa that must include at least one unit in Africa and a designated Integrative Experience Project.

Students must take at least one, but may earn no more than four, units in a study abroad program such as the CC summer courses in Senegal or other African countries, or in any other approved study abroad program in Africa (see the International Program's website for a list of approved programs).

The remaining units are to be completed by taking on-campus Africa-related courses; therefore, at least one unit in the minor must be taken on-campus. Since the availability of these courses varies from year to year, students should consult with the African studies advisor about which courses can be applied to the minor.

The Integrative Experience:

The integrative experience project may be completed in several ways, but in all cases in consultation with and by approval of the African studies advisor. This project may be done as a final project during a four-unit study abroad program; this project may be a final paper submitted for an on-campus fifth unit Africa-related course; other options are possible, but only with the approval of the African studies advisor.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/24/2024