SO229 - Sociological Research Design

Survey of the variety of methods of sociological research, both quantitative and qualitative, focusing particularly on survey and interview, field research, content analysis, secondary analysis, experimentation, and historical-comparative methods. Labs will cover the basics of quantitative analysis and computer training in SPSS and N6. Includes the examination of exemplars from the sociological literature, as well as practice of hands-on research skills and sociological writing. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SA requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SHB requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).

Prerequisite: Any 100 level sociology course or consent of instructor.

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: SA, Critical Learning: SHB, Critical Perspectives: Q

1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2024 Block 3 Sociological Research Design Gail Murphy-Geiss Palmer Hall 125 25 / 16 02/11/2025
Spring 2025 Block 8 Sociological Research Design Gail Murphy-Geiss TBA 25 / 14 02/11/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/11/2025