FG308 - Advanced Topics in Feminist & Gender Studies

Generates complex understandings of theories of identity and subjectivity within relevant sub-fields of Feminist & Gender Studies, paying attention to intellectual and activist legacies and methodological questions. Building on prior intellectual work, students position themselves within relevant sub-fields in service to their developing critical preoccupations, so these courses emphasize advanced level independent thinking and research, including more engagement with advanced contemporary texts. Courses and instructors vary annually. .5 or 1 unit. (Not offered 2025-26).

Prerequisite: Feminist & Gender Studies 110 & Feminist & Gender Studies 114, and Junior or Senior Standing.

.5 to 1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

FG308 will focus on recent interventions in feminist/queer of color and transnational disability studies. We will explore how (dis)ability is mediated by gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, class, nation, and citizenship. We will analyze how ableism intersects with other modalities of power and oppression and the debilitating effects of global inequality, racism, war, imperialism, institutional neglect, etc.
We will also learn about disability studies as a methodology that enriches our understanding of power and subjectivity, and problematizes dominant conceptions of normativity, embodiment, agency, temporality, progress, productivity, freedom, utopia, and solidarity.


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2025 Block 5 Advanced Topics in Feminist & Gender Studies: Indigenous Feminisms in Abiayala Topic Details Jessica Sanchez Flores Armstrong Hall 353A 25 / 16 02/10/2025
Spring 2025 Block 8 Advanced Topics in Feminist & Gender Studies: Gender, Body, Sound Topic Details Liliana Carrizo TBA 25 / 6 02/10/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/10/2025