EV315 - Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions:

The course examines transport and transformation of energy and matter through ecosystems, and how humans impact these. It focuses on solar energy, carbon, and water through the lens of atmosphere-biosphere interactions. The course develops all concepts through hands on data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation. Key concepts include fluxes, gradients, and budgets. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Scientific Investigation of the Natural World lab or field requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).

Prerequisite: Mathematics 126, and Environmental Program 209 or Organismal Biology and Ecology 208, or consent of instructor.

Degree requirement — Critical Perspectives: Lab

1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2024 Block 1 Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions: Miro Kummel Tutt Science Building 105 14 / 3 02/06/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/06/2025