ED578 - Advanced Methods: Inclusive Pedagogies in Literacy Curriculum, and Instruction
Building upon prior theoretical and practical coursework, this practicum-embedded class focuses on creating inclusive classroom environments, curriculum, and literacy instruction. Students explore the intersections between Classroom Management, Universal Design, Differentiation, Backward Design, The Science of Reading, and Disciplinary Literacy. Elementary candidates will focus on how students learn to read and write. They will apply the Science of Reading in differentiated lesson design and delivery. Secondary candidates will explore inclusive methods specific to their discipline and how students read and write to learn. All candidates will use knowledge of Universal Design and the Science of Reading as a foundation to ensure that struggling readers have inclusive access to content. Finally, teacher candidates will develop the praxis and agency to equitably educate and advocate for the diverse learners they serve. This course requires a 70-hour practicum. (Not offered 2025-26).
Prerequisite: Education 477 or Education 577, MAT or 9th Semester candidates only.
2 units
Term | Block | Title | Instructor | Location | Student Limit/Available | Updated |
Fall 2024 | Block 1 | Advanced Methods: Inclusive Pedagogies in Literacy Curriculum, and Instruction | Tina Valtierra | Mierow House 102 | 25 / 17 | 02/08/2025 |