EC110 - Introductory Topics in Economics and Business

Selected introductory topics in economics and business. Specific content and emphasis to be determined by the instructor. Exposes students to problems and trends in society which can be illuminated through application of basic tools and concepts drawn from economics and business fields. May be taught with Emphasis on Writing and Speaking. (Not offered 2025-26).

.25 to 1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

Students will develop skills for considering and solving problems from multiple perspectives, with special consideration for questions of ethics and moral behavior. The Innovation@CC program will teach multidisciplinary techniques and introduce them to resources available at Colorado College and the Colorado Springs community.
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Photo from Flickr user Kevin Dooley
As the social science developed to decision-making, economics is a mathematical analysis of how to optimize outcomes. But how do we make choices when the yardstick isn't obvious? How do we assess outcomes that are more moral than financial, more holistic than quantitative? Even more challenging, how do humans interact effectively when we don't agree on how to assess the outcomes, or don't even agree on the value systems we might use to evaluate the outcomes? This course is about how we make economic decisions, but more importantly it is about how we think about our own morality and the morality of those around us as we make decisions together.
Social entrepreneurship investigates the practice of identifying, starting, and growing successful mission-driven businesses and social ventures - that is, organizations that strive to advance social change through innovative solutions.
Photo of Earth, two views

Visit Professor Miller-Steven's faculty profile.

Social entrepreneurship is the practice of identifying, starting, and growing successful mission-driven businesses and social ventures - that is, organizations that strive to advance social change through innovative solutions. This course is a general introduction to social entrepreneurship, an emerging field that lies at the intersection of the fields of entrepreneurship and social change. The course will identify innovative social entrepreneurs that are attempting to mitigate problems facing humanity and our planet today. Course materials and activities will expose students to theory regarding entrepreneurship, models of social change, definitions and characteristics of the social entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship, successes and failures of social entrepreneurs, management skills required for social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurial organizations, scaling of social impact, and impact measurement for social ventures.


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2025 Block 7 Introductory Topics in Economics and Business: Using Big Data to Unmask Inequality Topic Details Rhonda Sharpe TBA 25 / 14 02/14/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/14/2025