AN206 - Doing Ethnography

Provides a foundation for understanding and doing ethnographic, contextually based research. Students execute hands-on projects grounded in participant observation and such complements as interviewing, questionnaires and surveys, archival work and projective methodological techniques; final results vary from ethnographic texts or films to exhibits or applied recommendations. Addresses such ethnographic fundamentals as: intellectual history; disciplinary contexts; epistemological validity and reliability; ethics and Institutional Review Boards; using ethnography for cross-cultural comparison; qualitative data analysis and software. Students learn varied forms of ethnographic inquiry such as exploratory, experimental, critical, historical and action/applied. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: AIM requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: CP requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SHB requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: AIM, Critical Learning: CP, Critical Learning: SHB, Critical Perspectives: G

.25 to 1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2025 Block 8 Doing Ethnography Allison Formanack Barnes Science Center 407 12 / 1 02/14/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/14/2025