1979 – Paul Butler, Ph.D., composition and cultural rhetoric, Syracuse University, 8/04
1982 – Henry Shires, M.A., education, Stanford University, 6/04
1994 – Todd Schwartz, M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6/04
1994 – Todd Walker, M.B.A., New York University, 9/04
1996 – Ben Bursell, M.D., University of Minnesota, 5/04
1996 – Chaim Lodish, M.S., mathematics, University of Vermont, 6/04
1996 – Georgianna Wade, J.D., Nova Southeastern University, 5/04
1996 – Elizabeth Withers, M.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 5/04
1997 – Barry Balof, Ph.D., Dartmouth College, 6/03
1997 – Michael Barry, M.B.A., London School of Economics, 7/04
1997 – Gregory Hewett, M.A., education, Framingham State College, 7/04
1997 – Sueanna Conklin Johnson, J.D., University of Colorado, 2003
1997 – Caroline Seaman, M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6/04
1998 – Amber McIntosh, M.S., geology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 5/04
1998 – Jennifer Rudge, M.B.A., M.S., international business, University of Colorado-Denver, 5/04
1998 – Peter Shepard, M.D., Case Western Reserve University, 5/04
1999 – Pamela Butler, J.D., University of Richmond, 5/04
1999 – Kurt Haas, M.F.A., directing, American Film Institute, 6/04
1999 – Adam Hector, M.B.A., University of Denver, 6/04
1999 – Meghan McKeever, M.D., University of Washington, 5/04
1999 – Sarah Richey, M.D., St. Louis University, 5/04
2000 – Gina Lopez Ferguson, M.S., higher education, University of Kansas, 5/04
2000 – Christine Goforth, M.S., entomology, University of Arizona, 5/04
2000 – Sabina Mehta, M.S., audiology, University of Minnesota, 6/04
2001 – Denise Hoover, master of business, government and not-for-profit management, Willamette University, 6/04
2001 – John Juech, M.A., international relations, Johns Hopkins University, 5/04
2002 – Lauren Sprague, M.B.A., University of Colorado, 5/04