Submit Candidates for Provost Position

Sent on Behalf of President Jill Tiefenthaler and Professor Carol Neel, Co-Chairs for the Provost Search Committee:

We are happy to announce that a website supporting the provost hiring process is now live. We are especially eager to point out that faculty, staff, and students may now nominate candidates for this pivotal new position in developing the college's mission

The website presents an email link for nomination submissions. These suggestions will be pursued by Storbeck Pimentel, the search firm with whom our campus committee is pleased to be working. But as we invite your nominations through the search site, we also ask for your counsel on the hiring process, in your comments to committee members individually and in the series of ongoing group information sessions. It is important - even essential - that our campus community own the process of identifying and bringing to the new role an individual who will develop our new academic leadership to its full potential in the context of a refreshed organizational framework. We are, collectively, the experts, and mutually listening is our most useful tool in identifying our provost and articulating her/his place among us.

We will follow this website announcement with details about the stages of the hiring process. In the meantime, we welcome your comments and inquiries.


Jill Tiefenthaler and Carol Neel, Co-Chairs for the Provost Search Committee

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020